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Large OVF imports into vCloud Director 1.0.1 fail, smaller imports succeed


I'm getting wildly different results while importing large OVF file into vCloud Director 1.0.1 via the ovftool than when performing the upload of the same OVF via the native JAva tool within vCloud Director itself. AS long as the file transfer compeltes through the vCD Java tool, the file is importing into vCenter correctly, and then being correctly registered within vCD.


The OVF I'm working with is 68.2 GB in size.


Below is a sanatized version of my command line and the output from the tool:



ovftool --net:"dvportgroup-48=company-Services_Internal" E:\OlioWebtest\oliowebtest.ovf "vcloud://user:password@testvcd1.company.com:443/?org=company_Services&vapp=OlioWebTest&vdc=company_Services_ALLO_vDC01&catalog=test"
Opening OVF source: E:\OlioWebtest\oliowebtest.ovf
The manifest validates
Warning: File is not referred in the manifest: oliowebtest.ovf
Opening vCloud target: vcloud://user@testvcd1.company.com:443/
Waiting for task on server .done
Deploying to vCloud: vcloud://user@testvcd1.company.com:443/
Disk Transfer Completed

Error: Invalid response from server
Completed with errors


Looking in the vCD GUI logs for the organization, I see the descriptor being processed, and the process for finalizing the upload completing, but the vApp is never added to the catalog. If I look in vCenter, I can find the VM on a valdi datastore for the org vDC and the correct resource pool in the proper state for a catalog vApp. The error "Error: Invalid response from server" is displayed immediately upon completion of the data transfer.




If I move the VM to the root of the datacenter, I can import the VM as a vApp and copy it to the caalog with no issue.


I tested with a much smaller OVF (1.3 GB), and received exactly the behavior I expected.


ovftool --net:"none=company-Services_Internal" E:\suse\descriptor.ovf "vcloud://user:password@testvcd1.company.com:443/?org=company_Services&vapp=SUSE32&vdc=company_Services_ALLO_vDC01&catalog=test"
Opening OVF source: E:\suse\descriptor.ovf
Warning: No manifest file
Opening vCloud target: vcloud://user@testvcd1.company.com:443/
Waiting for task on server .done
Deploying to vCloud: vcloud://user@testvcd1.company.com:443/
Disk Transfer Completed

Waiting for task on server ...................done
Waiting for task on server .......................................done
Waiting for task on server ..done
Completed successfully


Looking at the succesful transfer, I see an additonal action logged in the GUI logs for the organization. After the finalization record, there is a "Create virtual application" event logged on the smaller transfer that is never logged on the larger transfer.


The only item I can think of from a vCloud Director standpoint is that that vCD logon sesion timeout has expired on the large transfer long before the additional tasks are issued to vCD resulting in the invalid response. Is this the case, or is something else going on?


When looking at the vcloud-container-info.log file on the cells doing the processing for the succesful imports, I see a whole string of commands being executed in the current logged on user context.

Not Able to Export to OVF


Not sure if I'm not getting the syntax correct, but I am attempting to export a vm in OVF format directly from a ESXi 4.1 host.


I have tried several different commands, but all have failed.


Any help with the Syntax to export the OVF directly from a Host would be greatly apprecaited.


ovftool --compress=9 "vi://host1/ha-datacenter/3PAR-LUN6/server1" "Z:\server1.ovf"


ovftool --compress=9  "vi://host1/DC1/3PAR-LUN6/server1/server1.vmx" "Z:\server1.ovf"


ovftool --compress=9  "https://host1/DC1/server1/server1.vmx" "Z:\server1.ovf"

Error converting OVF to VMX -- virtualbox-3?


I am trying to convert a .ovf to a .vmx using the ovftool utility in terminal on OSX 10.6.8.


USING the --lax command, the result I get is as follows:



Opening OVF source: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17/appliance50.ovf
Opening VMX target: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17/appliance50.vmx
- Line 39: Unsupported hardware family 'virtualbox-3'.
- Line 107: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '10': No support for the virtual hardware device type '35'.
- Line 63: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '5': No support for the virtual hardware device type '20'.
- Missing hardware element 'CPU' with RASD type '3'.
- Line 127: Duplicate element 'AddressOnParent'.
Writing VMX file: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm/appliance50.vmx
Transfer Failed                      
Error: Capacity mismatch for disk /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm//appliance50-disk1.vmdk
Deleting directory tree below: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm
- No manifest file found.
Completed with errors



Any suggestions on how to fix this?  It seems to be a problem with ovftool itself?

Not able to ipaddress/gateway/netmask field configuration for deployed ovf in VM using ovftool




I want to config IP-address/gateway/netmask to the deployed ovf virtual machine and i getting the following info when i run ovftool.exe

Can anyone help me out in configure ipaddress fields.

Or is there any other way to do it.



C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe --powerOn --diskMode=thin --
ipProtocol=IPv4 --acceptAllEulas --name=pravin --network="VM Network" --prop:IpA
ddress="" --prop:SubnetMask="" --prop:Dns="10.110.188.
5" --prop:DefaultGateway="" --datastore="datastore1" "C:\Sharing\v35
9\ovf_filename.ovf" " vi://root:password@"
Opening OVF source: //:@WIN-1VPBHEDRE5M:80\Sharing\v359\ovf_filename.ovf
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
Powering on VM: pravin
- No manifest file found.
- OVF property with key: 'DefaultGateway' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'Dns' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'IpAddress' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'SubnetMask' does not exists.
- No manifest entry found for: 'system.vmdk'.
Completed successfully

setting ovf properties with ovftool and vcloud


I'm trying to import an OVA file with settable OVF properties for configuration (product key, network configuration) into vCloud with ovftool. It seems from the documentation that I should be using the --prop option to set these values, but they don't seem to get passed through vCloud to the deployed vApp, and the system gives an error about unconfigured properties when it tries to start up. I can go in the vCloud interface and manually enter them for my vApp, but I was hoping to automate the process with ovftool.


At first I thought the issue was that the properties where at the VM level instead of the vApp level, but changing the OVA in vSphere to move the properties to the vApp itself produces the same result. Using the same command to import the OVA directly into vSphere correctly sets the properties with either version.


Is setting of OVF properties for vCloud supported by ovftool? If so, what is the correct syntax?


Currently running:


ovftool -o --acceptAllEulas --prop:productkey="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" --prop:ipaddress="" --prop:netmask="" --prop:gateway="" vApp.ova vcloud://vclouddirector?org=IT&vdc=IT&catalog=IT&vapp=test1



OVFT: unable to export with spaces (in path) on server.


Hi All,


I'm unable to get ovftool to export a vm from my server that has spaces in the path to the vmx file.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!


On the server:

~ # vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

Vmid Name             File Guest                              OS Version     Annotation

112  ar-vm            [sata3] har_vm/har_vm.vmx                rhel5_64Guest  vmx-07

16   eluefin          [sata1] eluefin/eluefin.vmx              rhel4_64Guest  vmx-07

32   igloo (RH5)      [sata0] igloo (RH5)/igloo (RH5).vmx      rhel5_64Guest  vmx-07           

When I try to export "igloo (RH5)":

C:\OVF_Tool>ovftool.exe  --compress=9 --X:logToConsole "vi://root:doublesecret@hoo.lgc.com/ha-datacenter?ds=[sata0] igloo (RH5)/igloo (RH5).vmx" F:\igloo

2013-05-23T12:55:47.089-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] [SSL_DB] Using C:\Users\owjune\AppData\Roaming\VMware\ovftool_SSLDB as SSL DB

2013-05-23T12:55:47.105-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 2 (SIGINT)

2013-05-23T12:55:47.105-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 4 (SIGILL)

2013-05-23T12:55:47.120-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 22 (SIGABRT)

2013-05-23T12:55:47.120-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 8 (SIGFPE)

2013-05-23T12:55:47.120-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 15 (SIGTERM)

2013-05-23T12:55:47.120-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] OvfTool Version: VMware ovftool 3.0.1 (build-801290)

2013-05-23T12:55:47.120-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Using home directory: C:\Users\owjune\AppData\Roaming\VMware\ovftool.cfg

2013-05-23T12:55:47.120-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] OvfTool Environment:

--> /X:httpTimeout = "0"

--> /X:imageReadSize = "262144"

--> /X:logToConsole = "true"

--> /X:maxNumberOfTermSignals = "5"

--> /X:maxRedirects = "256"

--> /X:maximalDeltaConfSize = "8"

--> /X:maximalDeltaTreeSize = "6"

--> /X:progressSmoothing = "60"

--> /X:useMacNaming = "false"

--> /X:vCloudEnableGuestCustomization = "false"

--> /X:vCloudKeepTemplate = "true"

--> /X:vCloudTimeout = "3600"

--> /X:vimSessionTimeout = "600"

--> /authdPortSource = "902"

--> /authdPortTarget = "902"

--> /compress = "9"

--> /fencedMode = "bridged"

--> /prgPath = "C:\OVF_Tool"

--> /source = "vi://root:doublesecret@hoo.lgc.com/ha-datacenter?ds=[sata0] igloo (RH5)/igloo (RH5).vmx"

--> /target = "F:\igloo"

--> /vCloudTemplate = "false"


2013-05-23T12:55:47.152-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Done initializing libs

2013-05-23T12:55:47.152-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Determining source

2013-05-23T12:55:47.152-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Determining target

2013-05-23T12:55:47.152-05:00 [02908 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000000'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 20; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 20; maxConnectionAge = 0

2013-05-23T12:55:47.152-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Getting http page: https://hoo.lgc.com/sdk/vimServiceVersions.xml

2013-05-23T12:55:47.152-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Proxy host

2013-05-23T12:55:47.167-05:00 [00756 info 'Default'] Thread attached

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03816 verbose 'Default'] CURL: header data removed

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] [ViConnection] Using vim API version: 4.1

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [02168 info 'Default'] Thread attached

2013-05-23T12:55:47.183-05:00 [03780 info 'Default'] Thread attached

2013-05-23T12:55:47.198-05:00 [03920 info 'Default'] Thread attached

2013-05-23T12:55:47.198-05:00 [03192 info 'Default'] Thread attached

2013-05-23T12:55:47.198-05:00 [02752 info 'Default'] Thread attached

2013-05-23T12:55:47.245-05:00 [02908 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000001'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 1; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 1; maxConnectionAge = 0

2013-05-23T12:55:47.261-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Keeping VI session alive

Opening VI source: vi://root@hoo.lgc.com:443/ha-datacenter

2013-05-23T12:55:47.432-05:00 [02908 verbose 'Default'] Backtrace:

--> backtrace[00] rip 000007fef141722a

--> backtrace[01] rip 000007fef12df578

--> backtrace[02] rip 000007fef12e078e

--> backtrace[03] rip 000007fef129266b

--> backtrace[04] rip 000007feeeb0d3d1

--> backtrace[05] rip 000007fef0f703b8

--> backtrace[06] rip 000007fef0f707e9

--> backtrace[07] rip 000007fef0f8efbe

--> backtrace[08] rip 000007feee8b024e

--> backtrace[09] rip 000000013f83824d

--> backtrace[10] rip 000000013f7aca0d

--> backtrace[11] rip 000000013f7ad04a

--> backtrace[12] rip 000000013fa3a426

--> backtrace[13] rip 0000000076b5b1bd

--> backtrace[14] rip 0000000076d66861


Error: vim.fault.FileNotFound

Completed with errors

Specifying ?ip=[ip] in locator results in "Locator does not refer to an object" error


I have a setup where I am accessing vCenter and an ESXi host through a NAT layer. If I try to deploy directly to vCenter, ovftool automatically tries to connect to the ip address of the ESXi host behind the NAT layer, which fails.


It looks something like this:


[root@ovfimporter mnt]# date; ovftool --datastore="PayGo Storage" --net:"VLan 4=DedicatedPortGroup_NNNN" CUST/CUST.ovf vi://matthew.wallace@\ Datacenter/host/PayGo\ Cluster/Resources/Paygo/NNNN\ \(abc44060-35dc-438a-8c79-6bc7586082ab\)/ ;date

Tue Oct  8 10:18:43 MDT 2013

Opening OVF source: CUST/CUST.ovf

The manifest validates

Enter login information for target vi://

Username: matthew.wallace

Password: *********

Opening VI target: vi://matthew.wallace@

Deploying to VI: vi://matthew.wallace@

Transfer Failed

Transfer Failed

Error: Lost connection to target

Completed with errors

Tue Oct  8 10:20:19 MDT 2013


Looking at netstat, I saw a hung connection to 443 of one of the ESX hosts in that PayGo Cluster:


tcp    1        


In this case, is the "real" IP of one of the esx hosts in the PayGo cluster managed by that vCenter, which I can reach from the client running the ovftool only by using the NAT ip of


So, I tried to specify the external ip of that host. Per the ovftool 3.5 user guide:



To convert an OVF package to a vCenter Server, use the following syntax:

> ovftool /ovfs/my_vapp.ovf vi://username:pass@my_vc_server/?ip=

(Uses a managed ESXi host’s ip address.)


Given that, I tried using several syntaxes:


ovftool --datastore="PayGo Storage" --net:"VLan 4=DedicatedPortGroup_NNNN" CUST/CUST.ovf vi://matthew.wallace@\ Datacenter/host/PayGo\ Cluster/Resources/Paygo/NNNN\ \(abc44060-35dc-438a-8c79-6bc7586082ab\)/?ip=


or even just the simplest version to see if I can get a prompt for going further down in the locator tree:


ovftool --datastore="PayGo Storage" --net:"VLan 4=DedicatedPortGroup_NNNN" "vi://matthew.wallace@"


I invariably get a result like this:


The manifest validates

Enter login information for target vi://

Username: matthew.wallace

Password: *********

Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://matthew.wallace@

Completed with errors


Outside of the brief mention of the "ip=xxx" param mentioned in the ovftool userguide I've been unable to find any reference to someone successfully using this parameter so I'm uncertain if this is a bug, my not understanding the intention of the parameter as specified in the OVF tool guide, or me using bad syntax.

ovftool - Managing Resource Pools




I am using vSphere ESX (4 or 5).

I am writing automatic scripts using esxcfg and ovftool (on windows) commands.


I have some questions:


1. How can i create Resource Pool's? (if it cannot be done using ovftool, is there another way? maybe using esxcfg?)


2. What is the exact syntax of ovftool to deploy under that Resource Pool?

I am looking for something like this:

ovftool --noImageFiles -ds=dsName --net:"Network1"="Network2" --name=MyVM "C:/MyVM.ovf" "vi://user:password@"

or anything else that can help.





Static IP given during OVA deployment doesnt take effect post deployment


Hi Everyone,


I was trying to deploy a VM using the ovftool, I thought I would use the properties which are thrown from a "probe" of the OVA file.


ovftool http://server/files/builds/vpas/6.0.0/latest/vPAS-installer.ova



  ClassId:     vami

  Key:         gateway

  InstanceId   vPAS

  Category:    Networking Properties

  Label:       Default Gateway

  Type:        string

  Description: The default gateway address for this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is



  ClassId:     vami

  Key:         DNS

  InstanceId   vPAS

  Category:    Networking Properties

  Label:       DNS

  Type:        string

  Description: The domain name servers for this VM (comma separated). Leave

               blank if DHCP is desired.


  ClassId:     vami

  Key:         ip0

  InstanceId   vPAS

  Category:    Networking Properties

  Label:       Network 1 IP Address

  Type:        string

  Description: The IP address for this interface. Leave blank if DHCP is



  ClassId:     vami

  Key:         netmask0

  InstanceId   vPAS

  Category:    Networking Properties

  Label:       Network 1 Netmask

  Type:        string



After having made sure that such properties exists from the probe, I tried to use them to give the VM a static IP post deployment, automatically.



ovftool --datastore="31_datastore" --acceptAllEulas --ipAllocationPolicy=fixedPolicy --name="vPAS_31_1" --powerOn --prop:ip0="" --prop:netmask0="" --prop:DNS="" --prop:gateway="" http://server/vpas/6.0.0/latest/vPAS-installer.ova vi://root:password@

Opening OVA source: http://server/files/builds/vpas/6.0.0/latest/vPAS-installer.ova

The manifest validates

Opening VI target: vi://root@

Deploying to VI: vi://root@

Transfer Completed                   

Powering on VM: vPAS_31_1


- OVF property with key: 'DNS' does not exists.

- OVF property with key: 'gateway' does not exists.

- OVF property with key: 'ip0' does not exists.

- OVF property with key: 'netmask0' does not exists.

Completed successfully


Can someone please explain me whether this is a common problem ( from VMware ) or something I am doing wrong?



Unable To convert .vmx to .ovf




I got Workstation 7.1.5

I want to migrate my VM on to Esxi5.5

I tried to convert .vmx to .ovf with Command (ovftool E:\VM\VM4\VM4.vmx E:\OVF\OVF4\VM4.ovf)

But its failing with error :

C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool E:\VM\VM4\VM4.vmx E:\OVF\OVF4\VM


Opening VMX source: E:\VM\VM4\VM4.vmx

Error: Failed to open disk: Windows Server 2008 x64-cl2.vmdk

Completed with errors

ovftool: VirtualBox to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver


Hi all,


I have a VirtualBox OVA file that I'd like to convert to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver.


I've ran my VBOX OVA file against ovftool with --lax option to avoid the "unknown hardware virtualbox-2.2" issue which produces VMX and VMDISK file.


Is there a way for OVFTOOL to change the network adapter to use vmxnet3 as opposed to "just open the VMX file and edit virtualDev section"?




Unable to deploy an ovf to datacenter folder


We have a specific folder used for certain vm's that I need to deploy to.

As an example I can view the current list of vm's with:

ovftool vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms

Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:

Now let’s say I want to import an ovf to myvms/vmname4 I get a "Locator does not refer to an object" error.

ovftool --datastore=mydatastore --network=mynetwork vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4 newvm.ovf

Opening VI source: vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4
Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4
Completed with errors

I have tried variations of using —name and —vmfolder and changing the vi: path without success.

I can import directly to esxi and to host through vcenter but we are then having to go back into vcenter to move these vms to the correct folder.

Is there a way to get this into the "right" place up front?

I want to clone a VMware VM (RHEL6.5), export it as an OVF and when someone deploys it again, I want them to enter custom information like IP, DNS, VM name in the vSphere Deploy wizard. How do i make this happen?


I want to clone a VMware VM (RHEL6.5), export it as an OVF and when someone deploys it again, I want them to enter custom information like IP, DNS, VM name in the vSphere Deploy wizard. How do i make this happen? (I've commented all the lines in the persistent net rules file and made the file read-only.)

ovftool fails with Error: vim.fault.FileNotFound


I have an esxi 4.1 server that we are decommissioning as part of a move.  We've decided to archive some of the VMs that were part of a test bed, in case we need to revive them later.  I've been copying the VMs directly to a USB hard drive on my Mac with ovftool, but I've found that about half of the testbed VMs cannot be copied.  Here is an example of a failure:

wpeters$ ovftool vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/Riverbed/VSH_markt /Volumes/Archive/VSH_markt.ova

Enter login information for source vi://zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/

Username: root

Password: *********

Opening VI source: vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net:443/Riverbed/VSH_markt

Error: vim.fault.FileNotFound

Completed with errors


And a success, on another VM:

wpeters$ ovftool vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/Riverbed/VSH_250m /Volumes/Archive/VSH_250m.ova

Enter login information for source vi://zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/

Username: root

Password: *********

Opening VI source: vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net:443/Riverbed/VSH_250m

Opening OVA target: /Volumes/Archive/VSH_250m.ova

Writing OVA package: /Volumes/Archive/VSH_250m.ova

Transfer Completed                    

Completed successfully


Does anyone have any suggestions of what to look for?  I've started and stopped these VMs from the console, so I'm certain the storage is still available, etc.



Error Deploying OVF to Host


Hi everyone,

When I tried to launch the deploy command without indicating the host domain (scivsd05), the following error was launched: 

ovftool "X:logToConsole" "datastore=myds" "network=mynet" "machineOutput" --name="test13" test.ova "vi://user:pass@vcenter.domain.lan/<mydc>/host/<mycluster>/scivsd05"


2014-12-02T16:11:24.881+01:00 verbose Curl_perform error code 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)

2014-12-02T16:11:24.882+01:00 verbose CURL error buffer: Could not resolve host: scivsd05 (Domain name not found)

2014-12-02T16:11:24.882+01:00 verbose Connection error during upload

2014-12-02T16:11:24.882+01:00 verbose Connection error, sleep then retry (10 remaining)


If I indicate the host domain, then an "Locator does not refer to an object" error is launched:

ovftool "X:logToConsole" "datastore=myds" "network=mynet" "machineOutput" --name="test13" test.ova "vi://user:pass@vcenter.domain.lan/<mydc>/host/<mycluster>/scivsd05.domain.lan"



+ <Errors>

+ <Error>

+ <Type>ovftool.locator.object</Type>

+ <LocalizedMsg>

+ Locator does not refer to an object: vi://userr@vcenter.domain.lan:443/<mydc>/host/<mycluster>/scivsd05.domain.lan

+ </LocalizedMsg>

+ <Arg>

+ vi://userr@vcenter.domain.lan:443/<mydc>/host/<mycluster>//scivsd05.domain.lan

+ </Arg>

+ </Error>

+ </Errors>


The name resolution for the ESXi host "scivsd05.domain.lan" is correct from both machines, the vCenter machine and the machine where OVFTool is installed.

Any idea? Thanks in advance!


When I tried to launch the deploy command without indicating the host domain (scivsd05), the following error was launched: 


ovftool "X:logToConsole" "datastore=myds" "network=mynet" "machineOutput" --name="test13" test.ova "vi://user:pass@vcenter.domain.lan/&lt;mydc&gt;/host/&lt;mycluster&gt;/scivsd05"



2014-12-02T16:11:24.881+01:00 verbose Curl_perform error code 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)

2014-12-02T16:11:24.882+01:00 verbose CURL error buffer: Could not resolve host: scivsd05 (Domain name not found)

2014-12-02T16:11:24.882+01:00 verbose Connection error during upload

2014-12-02T16:11:24.882+01:00 verbose Connection error, sleep then retry (10 remaining)



If I indicate the host domain, then an "Locator does not refer to an object" error is launched:


ovftool "X:logToConsole" "datastore=myds" "network=mynet" "machineOutput" --name="test13" test.ova "vi://user:pass@vcenter.domain.lan/&lt;mydc&gt;/host/&lt;mycluster&gt;/scivsd05.domain.lan"




+ <Errors>

+ <Error>

+ <Type>ovftool.locator.object</Type>

+ <LocalizedMsg>

+ Locator does not refer to an object: vi://userr@vcenter.domain.lan:443/<mydc>/host/<mycluster>/scivsd05.domain.lan

+ </LocalizedMsg>

+ <Arg>

+ vi://userr@vcenter.domain.lan:443/<mydc>/host/<mycluster>//scivsd05.domain.lan

+ </Arg>

+ </Error>

+ </Errors>



The name resolution for the ESXi host "scivsd05.domain.lan" is correct from both machines, the vCenter machine and the machine where OVFTool is installed.


Any idea? Thanks in advance!

question regarding adding extra config parameters to ovf



I have ovftool version (4.0.0).I am trying to create an ovf  of a VM with extra config parameters. How do i specify the exportFlags command line option to allows the config parameters to translate from the VM to the ovf ? The documentation says I need to specify a extraconfig vSphere source .

This works fine : ovftool --allowAllExtraConfig  --extraConfig:ethernet1.coalescingScheme=disabled --extraConfig:ethernet0.coalescingScheme=disabled

but this doesn't : ovftool --exportFlags=extraconfig 

I don't want to add the key:value in the command line , rather pick up these from the VM  I am using to create the ovf.

Is there something that I am missing out ?

Thanks in advance


Is there a way to specify static IP for a deploying OVA in the ovftool command?




I am trying to deploy OVA using ovftool. I see the option --network and --net available for selecting the network by name, though I was not able to find a way to assign a static IP in the ovftool command itself. Something like --ip0= Is there a way we can do this? From UI when we deploy an OVA, we have provision to provide IP, Gateway, Netmask and DNS.



Question Installing OVFtool in ESXi 5.5U1


So long story short I'm building a self deployment install using a Kickstart script that after the install uses wget to copyy the OVA files to the local data store and then deploys the OVAs, i have the script figured out however i can't seem to get ovftool installed on ESXi 5.5, everytime i try to run it i get the following error


env: can't execute 'bash': No such file or directory


this happens even after making the file executable, here's the whole command


~ # cd /tmp




/tmp # mkdir ovf




/tmp # cd ovf/




/tmp/ovf # wget

Connecting to (

VMware-ovftool-3.5.0 100% |*******************************| 40125k  0:00:00 ETA




/tmp/ovf # chmod +x VMware-ovftool-3.5.0-1274719-lin.x86_64.bundle




/tmp/ovf # ./VMware-ovftool-3.5.0-1274719-lin.x86_64.bundle

env: can't execute 'bash': No such file or directory




/tmp/ovf # sh ./VMware-ovftool-3.5.0-1274719-lin.x86_64.bundle

env: can't execute 'bash': No such file or directory




/tmp/ovf # /bin/sh ./VMware-ovftool-3.5.0-1274719-lin.x86_64.bundle

env: can't execute 'bash': No such file or directory

OVF entry to embed .vmx data?






Does anyone know of a way to add .vmx key/value pairs from an OVF?



As in: foo="bar"






As it stands I would have my newly imported OVF use VMware API (with host' ESX credentials) modify the .vmx file after boot but those changes aren't preserved unless the VM is powered down. Catch 22!






OVF Tool HELP!!!!!!



i installed the OVF tool yesterday, i followed every step in the "OVF Tool User Guide" and when i open the comman prompt and typed "ovftool" its work  but when i retype again i get an error saying "no source of target "specified".  Also, i dont really understand how to use it, what exactly does typing "ovftool &lt;source locator&gt; &lt;destination locator&gt;" do?  what exactly do u type in the brackets?  And can some please post an easy guide on how to make an OVF file.  THANK YOU



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