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Cannot convert vmx to ova or ovf


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool RHEL5.vmx RHEL5.ova
Opening VMX source: RHEL5.vmx
Error: Failed to open file: J:\root\ISO\RHEL5U1_i386\RHEL5.1-Server-20071017.0-i386-disc3-ftp.iso
Completed with errors


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool RHEL5.vmx RHEL5.ovf
Opening VMX source: RHEL5.vmx
Error: Failed to open file: J:\root\ISO\RHEL5U1_i386\RHEL5.1-Server-20071017.0-i386-disc3-ftp.iso
Completed with errors


Anyone who knows how to fix this error?

Error in uploading to vCloud using ovftool




     I try to upload a physical server image to vcloud but it keep returning this error "Invalid response from Server"



>ovftool -o --net:"bridged=myNetwork" --ipAllocationPolicy=transientPolicy winphysical.ovf "vcloud://username:password@s1.myvcloud.net/?org=MyOrg&vapp=myTest&vdc=MyVDC&catalog=MyCatalog"
Opening OVF source: winphysical.ovf
The manifest validates
Opening vCloud target: vcloud://username@s1.myvcloud.net:443/
Error: Invalid response from server
Completed with errors


The ovftool version is 3.01 and the vcloud is 1.5.

I have also attahed the ovf file.



Thank you.

ET Goh

Could not look up host [username]. Proper password, but will not convert


Hey all. I know I am using proper syntax, but it seems like there's a missing service running on my esx cluster. I am able to log in with vSphere, but cannot use ovftool to export a stopped server in my ESX 4.0 cluster environment.


command I am using:


ovftool vi://[username]:[password]@vi://[serverid] d:\[serveridoutput].ovf


the error I am receiving is as follows:


Error: Could not lookup host: [username]

Completed with errors



Now it's interesting because the server does seem to know that I am using a proper user/pass because if I make a mistake on the password, I am given another chance to log in, until I miss three tries. If I enter the correct password, it seems to almost connect, then fails out with the above error. I would *REALLY* appreciate some help with this guys.


Thanks in advance!

ovftool fails with curl error: couldn't connect to server




I'm trying to create an OVF using ovftool 3.0.1. When I issue the ovftool command from the command line I get:

Error: cURL error: Couldn't connect to server
Completed with errors


I used the following command:


/usr/bin/ovftool vi://username:password@XX.XX.XX.XX/datacenter/vm/folder/vmname /destination


I can issue the command as above without the vmname to see if I can access Vsphere and to make sure I have a valid source locator.  The command is successful and returns a list of VMs I can use. When I add the VM name to the source locator path, I get the above error. The VM is pysically about 14GB in size (that is the space alloacted).


I can use the same command to another Vpshere server and I'm successful in creating the OVF. Which leads me to think that it might be a configuration issue with this Vsphere server?


What sorts of issues can lead to the above error?





ovftool - deploy vshield manager 5.1.2 to esxi 5.1 error


I am trying to deploy OVAs using ovftool 3.0.1 to an ESXi 5.1 host. When deploying VCSA 5.1.0b it works as expected with the following command:


"/Applications/VMware OVF Tool/ovftool" --acceptAllEulas --skipManifestCheck --name=vsm -dm=thin -ds=datastore1 "--net:Network 1=VM Network" --powerOn ~/Downloads/VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance- vi://root:password@esx01.local
If I try with vShield Manager I get the following error:
"/Applications/VMware OVF Tool/ovftool" --acceptAllEulas --skipManifestCheck --name=vsm -dm=thin -ds=datastore1 "--net:VSMgmt=VM Network" --powerOn ~/Downloads/VMware-vShield-Manager-5.1.2-943471.ova vi://root:password@esx01.local
Opening OVA source: ~/Downloads/VMware-vShield-Manager-5.1.2-943471.ova
The manifest does not validate
Opening VI target: vi://root@esx01.local:443/
Unexpected exception reading HTTP response body: N7Vmacore3Ssl12SSLExceptionE(SSL Exception: error:260B6084:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:dso not found)
while parsing serialized value of type string
at line 7, column 4586
while parsing property "eula" of static type ArrayOfString
while parsing serialized DataObject of type vim.vApp.VmConfigSpec
at line 7, column 4213
while parsing property "vAppConfig" of static type VmConfigSpec
while parsing serialized DataObject of type vim.vm.ConfigSpec
at line 7, column 146
while parsing property "configSpec" of static type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
while parsing serialized DataObject of type vim.vm.VmImportSpec
at line 7, column 55
while parsing property "importSpec" of static type ImportSpec
while parsing serialized DataObject of type vim.OvfManager.CreateImportSpecResult
at line 7, column 44
while parsing return value of type vim.OvfManager.CreateImportSpecResult, version vim.version.version8
at line 7, column 0
while parsing SOAP body
at line 6, column 0
while parsing SOAP envelope
at line 2, column 0
while parsing HTTP response for method createImportSpec
on object of type vim.OvfManager
at line 1, column 0
Completed with errors


I have confirmed that I can deploy the OVA manually. I have also confirmed the MD5SUM and tried the --disableVerification flag on ovftool. Any idea what I am missing?

How to upgrade hardwareversion


Hi i've an OVF virtual appliance with hardware version 4 how can i upgrade it to hardware version 7 and convert to OVA as well? it seems ovftools does not have the ability to upgrade to a higher hardware version.

Any suggestions how i can perform such a task?


Thanks for any info

Not able to ipaddress/gateway/netmask field configuration for deployed ovf in VM using ovftool




I want to config IP-address/gateway/netmask to the deployed ovf virtual machine and i getting the following info when i run ovftool.exe

Can anyone help me out in configure ipaddress fields.

Or is there any other way to do it.



C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe --powerOn --diskMode=thin --
ipProtocol=IPv4 --acceptAllEulas --name=pravin --network="VM Network" --prop:IpA
ddress="" --prop:SubnetMask="" --prop:Dns="10.110.188.
5" --prop:DefaultGateway="" --datastore="datastore1" "C:\Sharing\v35
9\ovf_filename.ovf" " vi://root:password@"
Opening OVF source: //:@WIN-1VPBHEDRE5M:80\Sharing\v359\ovf_filename.ovf
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
Powering on VM: pravin
- No manifest file found.
- OVF property with key: 'DefaultGateway' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'Dns' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'IpAddress' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'SubnetMask' does not exists.
- No manifest entry found for: 'system.vmdk'.
Completed successfully

setting ovf properties with ovftool and vcloud


I'm trying to import an OVA file with settable OVF properties for configuration (product key, network configuration) into vCloud with ovftool. It seems from the documentation that I should be using the --prop option to set these values, but they don't seem to get passed through vCloud to the deployed vApp, and the system gives an error about unconfigured properties when it tries to start up. I can go in the vCloud interface and manually enter them for my vApp, but I was hoping to automate the process with ovftool.


At first I thought the issue was that the properties where at the VM level instead of the vApp level, but changing the OVA in vSphere to move the properties to the vApp itself produces the same result. Using the same command to import the OVA directly into vSphere correctly sets the properties with either version.


Is setting of OVF properties for vCloud supported by ovftool? If so, what is the correct syntax?


Currently running:


ovftool -o --acceptAllEulas --prop:productkey="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" --prop:ipaddress="" --prop:netmask="" --prop:gateway="" vApp.ova vcloud://vclouddirector?org=IT&vdc=IT&catalog=IT&vapp=test1



Specifying ?ip=[ip] in locator results in "Locator does not refer to an object" error


I have a setup where I am accessing vCenter and an ESXi host through a NAT layer. If I try to deploy directly to vCenter, ovftool automatically tries to connect to the ip address of the ESXi host behind the NAT layer, which fails.


It looks something like this:


[root@ovfimporter mnt]# date; ovftool --datastore="PayGo Storage" --net:"VLan 4=DedicatedPortGroup_NNNN" CUST/CUST.ovf vi://matthew.wallace@\ Datacenter/host/PayGo\ Cluster/Resources/Paygo/NNNN\ \(abc44060-35dc-438a-8c79-6bc7586082ab\)/ ;date

Tue Oct  8 10:18:43 MDT 2013

Opening OVF source: CUST/CUST.ovf

The manifest validates

Enter login information for target vi://

Username: matthew.wallace

Password: *********

Opening VI target: vi://matthew.wallace@

Deploying to VI: vi://matthew.wallace@

Transfer Failed

Transfer Failed

Error: Lost connection to target

Completed with errors

Tue Oct  8 10:20:19 MDT 2013


Looking at netstat, I saw a hung connection to 443 of one of the ESX hosts in that PayGo Cluster:


tcp    1        


In this case, is the "real" IP of one of the esx hosts in the PayGo cluster managed by that vCenter, which I can reach from the client running the ovftool only by using the NAT ip of


So, I tried to specify the external ip of that host. Per the ovftool 3.5 user guide:



To convert an OVF package to a vCenter Server, use the following syntax:

> ovftool /ovfs/my_vapp.ovf vi://username:pass@my_vc_server/?ip=

(Uses a managed ESXi host’s ip address.)


Given that, I tried using several syntaxes:


ovftool --datastore="PayGo Storage" --net:"VLan 4=DedicatedPortGroup_NNNN" CUST/CUST.ovf vi://matthew.wallace@\ Datacenter/host/PayGo\ Cluster/Resources/Paygo/NNNN\ \(abc44060-35dc-438a-8c79-6bc7586082ab\)/?ip=


or even just the simplest version to see if I can get a prompt for going further down in the locator tree:


ovftool --datastore="PayGo Storage" --net:"VLan 4=DedicatedPortGroup_NNNN" "vi://matthew.wallace@"


I invariably get a result like this:


The manifest validates

Enter login information for target vi://

Username: matthew.wallace

Password: *********

Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://matthew.wallace@

Completed with errors


Outside of the brief mention of the "ip=xxx" param mentioned in the ovftool userguide I've been unable to find any reference to someone successfully using this parameter so I'm uncertain if this is a bug, my not understanding the intention of the parameter as specified in the OVF tool guide, or me using bad syntax.

VMware Workstation Natively


okay, I know this isn't developed yet, but I thought I would ask about.

first I love VMware workstation, amazing tool. and most VMware products are quick and easy for the average user.


okay to meat of the topic. What would it take to install VMware natively withOUT a host operating system"


hear me out. I really love virtualization, and the option it gives to run ANY OS, but the drawback would be the HOST OS, I WISH there was a way to install a very simple OS that VMware creates or uses, to launch it's workstation. maybe call it "LiteStation". then with the same use of the workstation, load your OS, or OS's in many cases, being able to with such a low foot print might be able to open some doors for new technology.


now, the simple OS, it need limited capabilities, like driver install (preferably win drivers as they are the most common and most ready, but Linux drivers would be the most understandable), limited programs or possibly no program installs. but it need enough to use the full potential of the machine, so x64 would be required along with VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI + acceleration etc.... with no browsers there won't be a need to install much security, just force it to connect, but not use the network connection except to switch it over to bridge the OS's in VM-LS.


I'm sure this software is not out there yet. but think of the possibilities, it would become a 'virtual' boot-loader... running all OS's in a virtual environment, utilizing the max potential of multi-platform. I could see the diminish of speed as we allocate a % of the native hardware for use by the VM's, but still. No longer would dual booting be a norm, having to restart just to use a different OS, but booting both would increase. sure we have native, but sometimes I don't want to mess with Win/Lin/OS just to get to the one I want. and I feel the native OS limits the use of the virtual machine.


or maybe something like this is already running.... I just haven't found out.


Anyways thanks for the listening... who knows maybe VMware might want to implement something like LiteStation in their software arsenal....


OVF Tool - VmWare File Systems and OVA Format conversion question


Greetings! Question in regards to OVFtool and how storage file systems are handled in VMWare.


I am using the OVFTool version 2.1.0 (Tried 3.5.0 with not much avail) to export multiple VMDK files or disks in a Virtual Machine (versions 7 and 8) to a multiple OVA files for each - at moment tool allows for consolidation of disks in a partitioned state into ONE OVA - Does anyone know of a work around or undocumented switch which can be used to create X # of virtual disks to X # of OVAs for import into another system?


Copying VMDKs is not a viable option in this case as want to remain with OVA standards.


Thank you!

ovftool : Specify Hardware version during a conversion ?


Hi everybody,

I'd like to change the hardware version during an export using ovftool. Is there a way to specify it ?
I've seen the "--maxVirtualHardwareVersion" but I'm unable to understand how to use it. I can't find any documentation on the supported syntax anywhere.

Any advice ?


ovftool: VirtualBox to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver


Hi all,


I have a VirtualBox OVA file that I'd like to convert to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver.


I've ran my VBOX OVA file against ovftool with --lax option to avoid the "unknown hardware virtualbox-2.2" issue which produces VMX and VMDISK file.


Is there a way for OVFTOOL to change the network adapter to use vmxnet3 as opposed to "just open the VMX file and edit virtualDev section"?




Upload to Vsphere "changes" contents of VMX file


Hi all,

I use ovftool to upload a local box to our Vsphere instance. But two important values in the VMX file are removed when they reside on the ESX host. What I do is this:

$ ovftool --noSSLVerify=false --acceptAllEulas --name=test_box --datastore=esx-devel-local --diskMode=thick --network=DUMMY --vmFolder= boxes/test_box/test_box.vmx 'vi://user@vcenter/SR/host/esx-devel.domain.de/Resources/'
Opening VMX source: boxes/test_box/test_box.vmx
Opening VI target: vi://user@vcenter:443/SR/host/esx-devel.domain.de/Resources/
Deploying to VI: vi://user@vcenter:443/SR/host/esx-devel.domain.de/Resources/
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully

The local VMX file contains the following two lines:

$ grep cpu ./boxes/test_box/test_box.vmx
cpuid.corespersocket = "4"
numvcpus = "1"

But they no longer exist in the uploaded VMX file:

/vmfs/volumes/53f5fc7a-1456f0d6-d91c-f4ce46214a14/test_box # grep cpu test_box.vmx
/vmfs/volumes/53f5fc7a-1456f0d6-d91c-f4ce46214a14/test_box #

     /vmfs/volumes/53f5fc7a-1456f0d6-d91c-f4ce46214a14/test_box # ls -l

     total 28672008

     -rw-------    1 root     root     29360128000 Sep 10 10:00 test_box-flat.vmdk

     -rw-------    1 root     root           502 Sep 10 09:59 test_box.vmdk

     -rw-rr    1 root     root             0 Sep 10 09:59 test_box.vmsd

     -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          1610 Sep 10 09:59 test_box.vmx

     -rw-rr    1 root     root           270 Sep 10 09:59 test_box.vmxf

Does anybody have a clue whats happening? Next I'll make a debug run with ovftool. If anything new comes up, I'll post it here.

I want to clone a VMware VM (RHEL6.5), export it as an OVF and when someone deploys it again, I want them to enter custom information like IP, DNS, VM name in the vSphere Deploy wizard. How do i make this happen?


I want to clone a VMware VM (RHEL6.5), export it as an OVF and when someone deploys it again, I want them to enter custom information like IP, DNS, VM name in the vSphere Deploy wizard. How do i make this happen? (I've commented all the lines in the persistent net rules file and made the file read-only.)

ovftool fails with Error: vim.fault.FileNotFound


I have an esxi 4.1 server that we are decommissioning as part of a move.  We've decided to archive some of the VMs that were part of a test bed, in case we need to revive them later.  I've been copying the VMs directly to a USB hard drive on my Mac with ovftool, but I've found that about half of the testbed VMs cannot be copied.  Here is an example of a failure:

wpeters$ ovftool vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/Riverbed/VSH_markt /Volumes/Archive/VSH_markt.ova

Enter login information for source vi://zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/

Username: root

Password: *********

Opening VI source: vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net:443/Riverbed/VSH_markt

Error: vim.fault.FileNotFound

Completed with errors


And a success, on another VM:

wpeters$ ovftool vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/Riverbed/VSH_250m /Volumes/Archive/VSH_250m.ova

Enter login information for source vi://zeus.dvt.tachyon.net/

Username: root

Password: *********

Opening VI source: vi://root@zeus.dvt.tachyon.net:443/Riverbed/VSH_250m

Opening OVA target: /Volumes/Archive/VSH_250m.ova

Writing OVA package: /Volumes/Archive/VSH_250m.ova

Transfer Completed                    

Completed successfully


Does anyone have any suggestions of what to look for?  I've started and stopped these VMs from the console, so I'm certain the storage is still available, etc.



ovftool sanfs://..../linux.iso was not found




I'm trying to convert VM into ovf. But ovftool fails with the message:


./ovftool --powerOffSource vi://administrator:xxxxx@host/?ip= myovf.ovf
Opening VI source: vi://administrator@host/
Powering off VM: 0593498732-VM_Name
Error: File sanfs://vmfs_uuid:3c3693e8-f77a642a-1910-5c6bdcb26d3a/packages/4.1.0/vmtools/linux.iso was not found


Could you please help me with the issue above?



OVFTool cannot set property successfully


I want to set some properties to ovf files.


I use ovftool as bellow:


ovftool --prop:ip= --prop:dns=


when this command has been executed without error showing, I still cannot see the property of ovf files.


Then I used ovftool myovffile.ovf


I still can not see the property I want to set.

what should I do?

Error: Failed to open disk: Test.vmdk


Hello all,


I am having a problem with the ovftool.


Here's what i did.


1)I created a VM running CentOS.


2)These are the 3 files that i got.




Test.vmdk (Descriptor File)


# Disk DescriptorFile





# Extent description

RW 83886080 VMFS "Test-flat.vmdk" 0

# The Disk Data Base


ddb.virtualHWVersion = "4"

ddb.geometry.cylinders = "83220"

ddb.geometry.heads = "16"

ddb.geometry.sectors = "63"

ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic"




3) This is the command that i ran


ovftool "Test.vmx" "Test_New.ova"


4)This is the error that i got.
2012-09-05T12:24:57.817+05:30 [7F22134FE740 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Done initializing libs
2012-09-05T12:24:57.817+05:30 [7F22134FE740 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Determining source
2012-09-05T12:24:57.818+05:30 [7F22134FE740 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Determining target
Opening VMX source: Test.vmx
2012-09-05T12:24:57.821+05:30 [7F22134FE740 verbose 'Default'] Failed to open disk: ./Test-1-0.vmdk
2012-09-05T12:24:57.821+05:30 [7F22134FE740 verbose 'Default'] Exception: Failed to open disk: ./Test-1-0.vmdk. Reason: The file specified is not a virtual disk
Error: Failed to open disk: Test-1-0.vmdk

Please help!


Thank you

Problem running OVF Tool 3.0.1 on Mac (Locale initialization failed)


There is unfortunately a bug in OVF Tool 3.0.1 on Mac that causes OVF Tool not to work if the current directory is not the same as the installation directory! For example, if you have made a symbolic link to OVF Tool or have OVF Tool in the path, you will see the following error:

  > ovftool
  Error: Locale initialization failed.
  Completed with errors
If you execute it directly from the installation directory, it would work:
  > cd /Applications/VMware\ OVF\ Tool/
  > ovftool
  Error: No source or target specified. Try 'ovftool --help' for more options.
  Completed with errors
The workaround is to:
  1. Save the attached script (ovftool.txt)  and store it in your home directory (~/).
  2. Perform the following commands in a terminal window:
  >cd /Applications/VMware\ OVF\ Tool/
  >sudo mv ovftool ovftool.bin
  >sudo cp ~/ovftool.txt ovftool
  >sudo chmod a+x ovftool
We are working on an OVF Tool 3.0.2 release where this will be fixed.
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