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Not able use the ipaddress and netmask properties from ovf using ovftool


OVF Command option:

ovftool.exe "--acceptAllEulas=true" "--name=Robo_Naren_vApp_Temp" "--datastore=fiddleback-esx2:storage1" "-dm=thin" "--network=VM-Network" "C:/appliance-main-image-" "--prop:hostname=naren.am.com" "--prop:ip=10.0.0.xx9" "--prop:netmask=" "--prop:gateway=x1.3x.2xx.1" "--powerOn" "vi://root:xxxxx@1x.xx.2xx.5x/"


When i try to execute the above command i'm getting the below error.


Error: Unexpected option: --prop:ip=10.0.0.xx9

Completed with errors

OVF properties

Here's is my ovf content for the properties

      <Property ovf:key="ip" ovf:required="true" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" vmw:qualifiers="Ip">

        <Label>2. IP Address</Label>


      <Property ovf:key="netmask" ovf:required="true" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" vmw:qualifiers="Ip">

        <Label>3. Subnet Mask</Label>


      <Property ovf:key="gateway" ovf:required="true" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" vmw:qualifiers="Ip">

        <Label>4. Default Gateway</Label>



Using  "vSphere Client version 5.1.0"


Can anyone help me in resolving this problem ?

Include advanced CPU settings in OVF/OVA


Is it possible to include the advanced CPU settings for a VM when you build an OVF/OVA with ovftool?


My VM must have VT-x enabled (nested virtualization) and the default setting seem to be disabled.


Though --allowExtraConfig would do the trick but it doesn't help.


Any help would be much appreciated!

OvfTool - Resource Switch not working.



Thanks in advance for any help that can be given with this, Have been looking at rolling out .ovf VM's as part of a automation project. What we are trying to do is roll out two servers to a specific datacentre, cluster, host and Resource pool.


Script below is what we are using, it works perfectly to roll out a VM but this will only be in the root of the Datacentre.


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool -tt=vi -st=ovf --lax -n=Test --datastore=VMWARE --network="VLAN" --powerOn "Full UNC path of .ovf" "vi://Domain%5cUSER:Password@vsphere/DATACENTRE/host/Development/FULL HOST NAME/"


But when I add in the switch for Resource and the required Resource pool as seen below:


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool -tt=vi -st=ovf --lax -n=Test --datastore=VMWARE --network="VLAN" --powerOn "Full UNC path of .ovf" "vi://Domain%5cUSER:Password@vsphere/DATACENTRE/host/Development/FULL HOST NAME/Resources/Dev"


It give the following error:

Opening OVF source: Full UNC path of .ovf.ovf

Opening VI target: "vi://Domain%5cUSER:Password@vsphere/DATACENTRE/host/Development/FULL HOST NAME/Resources/Dev"

Error: No target host found in cluster that supports the chosen network/datastore/virtual hardware combination.

Possible completions:





using OVFtool 3.5 with VMWare 5.0


See attached image for layout of vCentre


any help would be much appreciated.

ovftool 3.5.0 not running on CentOS 5 (needs GLIBC 3.4?)


Installed ovftool 3.5 on CentOS 5.9.  Install went without any errors, says Installation Successful.


Running ovftool yields about 5 errors similar to:

/usr/lib/vmware-ovftool/ovftool.bin: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/vmware-ovftool/libvmomi.so)


CentOS 5.9 doesn't support GLIBC 3.4.


The ovftool documentation says it supports CentOS 5 and 6.


What's the problem here?

OVF Tool memory range error



I'm using the ovf tool to convert a virtual appliance to virtual machine format and getting a memory size limitation error based on the OVF source.  The source ovf file specifies 4GB of memory for guest OS:




- Virtual machine has 4,096 megabytes of memory, which is outside the range of 4 to 3,600 megabytes supported on the host.  This may be a general limitation of the host software, or specific to the guest OS selected for the virtual machine.



The work around is to edit the source ovf file and decrease the RAM size to  3 GB and conversion works fine.  But I'm curious why this limitation is occuring.  Is 3,600 MB the maximum virtual memory size supported byVMware workstation or server?









Is there a way to specify static IP for a deploying OVA in the ovftool command?




I am trying to deploy OVA using ovftool. I see the option --network and --net available for selecting the network by name, though I was not able to find a way to assign a static IP in the ovftool command itself. Something like --ip0= Is there a way we can do this? From UI when we deploy an OVA, we have provision to provide IP, Gateway, Netmask and DNS.



A quick note on using a domain login for ovftool


I didn't find this documented anywhere else, so I wanted to note that, if you want to use windows domain accounts in the authentication process for ovftool without specifying it interactively, you must specify the \ character using %5c, as in:


ovftool --acceptAllEulas --net:nat=mgmt-net --datastore=nfs-1 --name=Ubuntu-test Ubuntu.vmwarevm/Ubuntu.vmx vi://WINDOMAIN%5cAdministrator:password@

Deploy OVF Template problems



I'm trying to to deploy a OVF/OVA file into my vCenter but I'm getting a error message, pls help me.


"Line 61: No space left for device '5' on parent controller '4'."


(Tested to deploy other templates and it worked fine)


Any idea anyone?

Deploy OVF Template in VMWare Workstation 10 using ovf-tool


Hi All,


I just started exploring the ovf-tools. I have an ovf template available for a VM and I was able to deploy it in Workstation using the GUI.

Is there a way / command available to use this pre-existing .ovf template and deploy a Virtual Machine in workstation using this; through ovf-tool?


Any help would be appreciated.

ovftool: VirtualBox to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver


Hi all,


I have a VirtualBox OVA file that I'd like to convert to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver.


I've ran my VBOX OVA file against ovftool with --lax option to avoid the "unknown hardware virtualbox-2.2" issue which produces VMX and VMDISK file.


Is there a way for OVFTOOL to change the network adapter to use vmxnet3 as opposed to "just open the VMX file and edit virtualDev section"?




Unable to deploy an ovf to datacenter folder


We have a specific folder used for certain vm's that I need to deploy to.

As an example I can view the current list of vm's with:

ovftool vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms

Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:

Now let’s say I want to import an ovf to myvms/vmname4 I get a "Locator does not refer to an object" error.

ovftool --datastore=mydatastore --network=mynetwork vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4 newvm.ovf

Opening VI source: vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4
Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4
Completed with errors

I have tried variations of using —name and —vmfolder and changing the vi: path without success.

I can import directly to esxi and to host through vcenter but we are then having to go back into vcenter to move these vms to the correct folder.

Is there a way to get this into the "right" place up front?

slow speeds ovf tool




I have about a dozen OVF's I'm importing into ESXi 5.5 via the Linux ovftool client. The VM's range from 5gb to 30gb and include VMDK files. I am still improrting the first one and it is taking a crazy long time. The CPU and Memory usage stays under 1% on the client, and getting up to 5% has taken me the better part of an hour. Network speeds don't seem to be an issue, I'm wired and can SCP files from the same source and destination at 30MB/s. Is there something I'm missing? please help

ovftool.exe crashes when deploying OVA from Windows 7


I'm experiencing a coredump when attempting to deploy an OVA into vCenter 5.0.0.  I have downloaded the OVA to the Windows 7 PC locally and have run the ovftool from that path as follows:


ovftool --X:logToConsole=true --X:logLevel="verbose" --name=ovf-test --datastore=datastore-local-113 --network=VLAN-603 MVF-ver-2_OVF10.ova "vi://Administrator:**********@ (Intel G6, stand-alone)/"



The verbose output looks like this:


2012-01-13T11:45:23.595-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 2 (SIGINT)

2012-01-13T11:45:23.596-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 4 (SIGILL)
2012-01-13T11:45:23.596-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 22 (SIGABRT)
2012-01-13T11:45:23.598-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 8 (SIGFPE)
2012-01-13T11:45:23.599-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Subscribing to signal: 15 (SIGTERM)
2012-01-13T11:45:23.600-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Using home directory C:\Users\hinchleg\AppData\Roa
2012-01-13T11:45:23.601-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] OvfTool Environment:
--> /X:httpTimeout = "600"
--> /X:imageReadSize = "262144"
--> /X:logLevel = "verbose"
--> /X:logToConsole = "true"
--> /X:maxNumberOfTermSignals = "5"
--> /X:maxRedirects = "256"
--> /X:maximalDeltaConfSize = "8"
--> /X:maximalDeltaTreeSize = "6"
--> /X:progressSmoothing = "60"
--> /X:useMacNaming = "false"
--> /X:vCloudKeepTemplate = "true"
--> /X:vCloudTimeout = "3600"
--> /X:vimSessionTimeout = "600"
--> /authdPortSource = "902"
--> /authdPortTarget = "902"
--> /datastore = "datastore-local-113"
--> /fencedMode = "bridged"
--> /name = "ovf-test"
--> /network = "VLAN-603"
--> /prgPath = "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool"
--> /source = "MVF-ver-2_OVF10.ova"
--> /target = "vi://Administrator:**********@ (Intel G6, stand-alone)
2012-01-13T11:45:23.609-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Done initializing libs
2012-01-13T11:45:23.609-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Determining source
2012-01-13T11:45:23.630-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] [ovfTool.cpp] Determining target
Opening OVA source: MVF-ver-2_OVF10.ova
2012-01-13T11:45:23.634-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Manifest file present. Parsing file.
2012-01-13T11:45:23.635-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Manifest file entry: SHA(MVF-ver-2_OVF10.ovf) = 2926495bbde18cdb
2012-01-13T11:45:23.637-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Manifest file entry: SHA(system.vmdk) = e1fe00f518356b3741789fa6
The manifest validates
2012-01-13T11:45:23.642-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Verifying that the files references in manifest are valid
2012-01-13T11:45:23.644-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] OVF Descriptor: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" x
-->   <References>
-->     <File ovf:href="system.vmdk" ovf:size="488976384" ovf:id="system.vmdk_id"/>
-->   </References>
-->   <NetworkSection>
-->     <Info>List of logical networks used in the package</Info>
-->     <Network ovf:name="Network 1">
-->       <Description>Network 1</Description>
-->     </Network>
-->   </NetworkSection>
-->   <vmw:IpAssignmentSection ovf:required="false" vmw:protocols="IPv4" vmw:schemes="ovfenv">
-->     <Info>Supported IP assignment schemes</Info>
-->   </vmw:IpAssignmentSection>
-->   <DiskSection>
-->     <Info>List of the virtual disks and partitions needed</Info>
-->     <Disk ovf:diskId="system" ovf:capacity="5120" ovf:capacityAllocationUnits="byte * 2^20" ovf:format="http://www.v
mware.com/interfaces/specifications/vmdk.html#streamOptimized" ovf:fileRef="system.vmdk_id" ovf:populatedSize="135456358
-->   </DiskSection>
-->   <VirtualSystem ovf:id="MVF-ver-2">
-->     <Info>A virtual machine</Info>
-->     <ProductSection ovf:required="false">
-->       <Info>VM ISV branding information</Info>
-->       <Product>MVF-ver-2</Product>
-->       <Vendor>Mitel Networks Corporation</Vendor>
-->       <!--
-->             Version is the actual product version in the
-->             form X.X.X.X where X is an unsigned 16-bit integer.
-->             FullVersion is a descriptive version string
-->             including, for example, alpha or beta designations
-->             and other release criteria.
-->         -->
-->       <Version></Version>
-->       <FullVersion>MVF (design) on MSL</FullVersion>
-->       <ProductUrl/>
-->       <VendorUrl/>
-->       <AppUrl>http://${vami.ip0.MVF-ver-2}/</AppUrl>
-->       <Category>Application</Category>
-->       <Property ovf:key="admin_pass" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="" ovf:qualifiers="MinL
en(0),MaxLen(32)" ovf:password="true">
-->         <Label>Initial Administrator Password</Label>
-->         <Description>The initial password to use to when accessing this deployed virtual appliance.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="domain_name" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="xyzcorp.com" ovf:qual
-->         <Label>Domain Name</Label>
-->         <Description>The domain name this virtual appliance should belong to.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="ssh_access" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="none" ovf:qualifiers="
ValueMap{&quot;none&quot;,&quot;local networks&quot;,&quot;public&quot;}">
-->         <Label>Remote SSH Access</Label>
-->         <Description>The level of accessibility for remote shell access to this system.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="local_net_ip" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="" vmw:qualifi
-->         <Label>Local Network Network Address</Label>
-->         <Description>The network address where remote access, including web admin access, is available.</Description
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="local_net_netmask" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="" vmw:qu
-->         <Label>Local Network Netmask</Label>
-->         <Description>The netmask to define the subnet range within the local network address.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="mitel_arid" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="" ovf:qualifiers="MinL
-->         <Label>Mitel Application Record ID</Label>
-->         <Description>The license key to apply to this virtual appliance.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->     </ProductSection>
-->     <ProductSection ovf:class="vami" ovf:instance="MVF-ver-2" ovf:required="false">
-->       <Info>VAMI Properties</Info>
-->       <Category>Networking Properties</Category>
-->       <Property ovf:key="ip0" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:type="string" vmw:qualifiers="Ip('Network 1')">
-->         <Label>Network 1 IP Address</Label>
-->         <Description>The IP address for this interface.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="netmask0" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:type="string" vmw:qualifiers="Netmask('Network 1'
-->         <Label>Network 1 Netmask</Label>
-->         <Description>The netmask or prefix for this interface.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="gateway0" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:type="string" vmw:qualifiers="Gateway('Network 1'
-->         <Label>Network 1 Default Gateway</Label>
-->         <Description>The default gateway address for this VM.</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->       <Property ovf:key="DNS0" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:type="string" vmw:qualifiers="Dns('Network 1')">
-->         <Label>Network 1 DNS</Label>
-->         <Description>The domain name servers for this VM (comma separated).</Description>
-->       </Property>
-->     </ProductSection>
-->     <ProductSection ovf:class="vm" ovf:required="false">
-->       <Info>VM specific properties</Info>
-->       <Property ovf:key="vmname" ovf:type="string" ovf:value="MVF-ver-2"/>
-->     </ProductSection>
-->     <AnnotationSection>
-->       <Info/>
-->       <Annotation/>
-->     </AnnotationSection>
-->     <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="79" ovf:version="5" vmw:osType="mslGuest">
-->       <Info>Guest Operating System</Info>
-->       <Description>MSL 9.3</Description>
-->     </OperatingSystemSection>
-->     <VirtualHardwareSection ovf:transport="com.vmware.guestInfo" ovf:required="false">
-->       <Info>Virtual Hardware Requirements</Info>
-->       <System>
-->         <vssd:ElementName>Virtual Hardware Family</vssd:ElementName>
-->         <vssd:InstanceID>0</vssd:InstanceID>
-->         <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-07</vssd:VirtualSystemType>
-->       </System>
-->       <Item>
-->         <rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
-->         <rasd:Description>Number of virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
gData">1 virtual CPU</rasd:ElementName>
-->         <rasd:ResourceType>3</rasd:ResourceType>
-->         <rasd:VirtualQuantity>1</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
-->       </Item>
-->       <Item>
-->         <rasd:AllocationUnits>byte * 2^20</rasd:AllocationUnits>
-->         <rasd:Description>Memory Size</rasd:Description>
gData">1024 MB of memory</rasd:ElementName>
-->         <rasd:ResourceType>4</rasd:ResourceType>
-->         <rasd:VirtualQuantity>1024</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
-->       </Item>
-->       <Item>
-->         <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>true</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
-->         <rasd:Connection>Network 1</rasd:Connection>
gData">Ethernet adapter on vmnet</rasd:ElementName>
-->         <rasd:ResourceSubType>VMXNET3</rasd:ResourceSubType>
-->         <rasd:ResourceType>10</rasd:ResourceType>
-->       </Item>
-->       <Item>
gData">SCSI Controller 0  - lsilogic</rasd:ElementName>
-->         <rasd:ResourceSubType>lsilogic</rasd:ResourceSubType>
-->         <rasd:ResourceType>6</rasd:ResourceType>
-->       </Item>
-->       <Item>
-->         <rasd:AddressOnParent>0</rasd:AddressOnParent>
gData">Harddisk 1</rasd:ElementName>
-->         <rasd:HostResource>ovf:/disk/system</rasd:HostResource>
-->         <rasd:Parent>4</rasd:Parent>
-->         <rasd:ResourceType>17</rasd:ResourceType>
-->       </Item>
-->     </VirtualHardwareSection>
-->   </VirtualSystem>
--> </ovf:Envelope>
2012-01-13T11:45:23.802-05:00 [04492 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections =
20; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 20; maxConnectionAge = 0
2012-01-13T11:45:24.876-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: => Send header GET /sdk/vimServiceVersions.xml HTTP/1.1
--> Authorization: Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpQQVNTd29yZDEyMzQ=
--> User-Agent: VMware-client/4.0.0 (ovfTool; libcurl)
--> Host:
--> Accept: */*
2012-01-13T11:45:24.879-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2012-01-13T11:45:24.879-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 16:45:25 GMT
2012-01-13T11:45:24.884-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header Cache-Control: no-cache
2012-01-13T11:45:24.887-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header Connection: Keep-Alive
2012-01-13T11:45:24.889-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
2012-01-13T11:45:24.891-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header Content-Length: 492
2012-01-13T11:45:24.893-05:00 [05124 verbose 'Default'] CURL: <= Recv header
--> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
--> <!--
-->    Copyright 2008-2011 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.
--> -->
--> <namespaces version="1.0">
-->   <namespace>
-->     <name>urn:vim25</name>
-->     <version>5.0</version>
-->     <priorVersions>
-->       <version>4.1</version>
-->       <version>4.0</version>
-->       <version>2.5u2</version>
-->       <version>2.5</version>
-->     </priorVersions>
-->   </namespace>
-->   <namespace>
-->     <name>urn:vim2</name>
-->     <version>2.0</version>
-->   </namespace>
--> </namespaces>
2012-01-13T11:45:24.896-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] [ViConnection] Using vim API version: 5.0
2012-01-13T11:45:24.947-05:00 [04492 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections =
1; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 1; maxConnectionAge = 0
2012-01-13T11:45:24.967-05:00 [04492 verbose 'Default'] Keeping VI session alive
Opening VI target: 2012-01-13T11:45:24.994-05:00 [04492 info 'Default'] CoreDump: Writing minidump
2012-01-13T11:45:25.044-05:00 [04492 panic 'Default']
--> Panic: Win32 exception: Access Violation (0xc0000005)
-->    Read (0) at address 0000000000000018
-->    rip: 00000001401e4dcb rsp: 000000000012f470 rbp: 0000000000000018
-->    rax: 0000000000000000 rbx: 000000000012f5c0 rcx: ffffffffffffffff
-->    rdx: 0000000140000000 rdi: 0000000000000018 rsi: 0000000000000001
-->    r8:  0000000000000003 r9:  0000000000000000 r10: 000000000012f828
-->    r11: 000000000012f640 r12: 00000000036451cb r13: 0000000000000002
-->    r14: 0000000000000075 r15: 0000000000000000
--> Backtrace:
--> backtrace[00] rip 000000000055693a (no symbol)
--> backtrace[01] rip 000000000042d008 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[02] rip 000000000042dc1e (no symbol)
--> backtrace[03] rip 000000000056db28 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[04] rip 000000000056dc97 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[05] rip 0000000000570b56 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[06] rip 0000000068975129 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[07] rip 00000000689742d6 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[08] rip 00000000689749de (no symbol)
--> backtrace[09] rip 0000000068974c1d (no symbol)
--> backtrace[10] rip 000000006897502b (no symbol)
--> backtrace[11] rip 000000014025f1ae (no symbol)
--> backtrace[12] rip 0000000077289d0d (no symbol)
--> backtrace[13] rip 00000000772791af (no symbol)
--> backtrace[14] rip 00000000772b1278 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[15] rip 00000001401e4dcb (no symbol)
--> backtrace[16] rip 00000001401e6c73 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[17] rip 00000001401e1b04 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[18] rip 00000001401cbfd9 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[19] rip 00000001400dbae5 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[20] rip 00000000003d7b65 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[21] rip 00000000003d7c8e (no symbol)
--> backtrace[22] rip 00000001400986f9 (no symbol)
--> backtrace[23] rip 000000014001af4b (no symbol)
--> backtrace[24] rip 000000014001b76a (no symbol)
--> backtrace[25] rip 000000014025f62e (no symbol)
--> backtrace[26] rip 000000007715652d (no symbol)
--> backtrace[27] rip 000000007728c521 (no symbol)

ovf tool fails on device paths


"A line such as ide1:0.fileName = "/dev/cdrom" or a line such as ide1:0.fileName = "/dev/scd0" wil cause the ovftool to abort with the following message:


- Device 'cdrom1' has a backing type that is not supported. This is a general limitation of the virtual machine's virtual hardware version of the selected host.


By contrast if the vmx file cdrom setting is set to ide0:1.autodetect = "TRUE"  this error is not received.


We are not sure if this can be overcome with other tool options, although we have not seen anything that looks promising.


Additionally, many of our settings are not carried over to the ovf format, they are simply dropped, such as the isolation.* settings.


Also, the original VM consisted of several disk files (vmdk).  The ovftool created one vmdk file from this VM.  We will require creating vmware persistent and vmware non-persistent disks for some of our VMs.

We are concerned that the ovftool may lose such disk information. This would be a show stopper for us, and would require us find an alternative solution for transporting VMs.


We would like for VMware to advise us of possible workarounds and any recommendations for these issues."

Unsupported hardware


I recieve the following error "- Unsupported hardware version: 3". Please assist. Converting a vmx to a ovf. Recieve error when vmx file is opened.

OVFTOOL - Configuration file syntax for parameters without explicit values


(Easy) Question… Regarding the use of global configuration file (ovftool.cfg) and local configuration file with OVFTOOL.


Syntax is given only for comments and parameters which are name-value pairs, e.g. datastore=DATASTORE-NAME. 


For a single parameter without a corresponding value, e.g. –acceptAllEulas, should these parameters be expressly set to TRUE?

Or can they simply be present (no equals sign)?  Both styles seem to work properly for --acceptAllEulas option.


Example:  which of the following CFG files shows the expected syntax?   Or are both acceptable?
















(Yeah, I know - this question probably is a gimme.    Just curious if there's anything to trip over here. ) 




Message was edited by: cjstaples-emc -- sorry, original formatting garbage

ovftool fails with connection timeout problems or failed to respond. Ideas for troubleshooting?


ovftool fails with a connection problem. The error message is below.

Error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly

respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connect

ed host has failed to respond.

OVF deploy using VMDK in vmfs format


Hey, folks


    I am trying to deploy ovf, but the VMDKs in my ovf are in vmfs format. My VMDKs are created from  VMware ESX Server, so its formate is VMFS. I found some OVF samples to deploy VMDKs in streamOptimized format. Anyone knows how to deploy VMFS format. Here is the disk section of my OVF, 




I got the error message "unsupported value ="http://www.vmware.com/interfaces/specifications/vmdk.html#vmfs" for attribute format on element disk".


Anyone has a cue about it?




OVFTool not working at all


I just downloaded ovftool and installed it on our vCenter server (VirtualCenter 2.5) .  I'm trying to convert a VMX to OVF and when I run the tool it tries to open the VMX source and then just returns to the command prompt.  No error, no warning, no output at all.


Here is my command and the output:


C:\tmpflux\Symantec_Brightmail_Gateway_8.0>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" Symantec_Brightmail_Gateway_8.0.vmx C\tmpflux\newbm\test.ovf
Opening VMX source: Symantec_Brightmail_Gateway_8.0.vmx


I've tried adding the source type and the target type switches, I've tried just probe mode (not sure if that will work on a VMX machine), I've tried moving the VM files from the network to local machine and tried moving them to another drive on the local machine.  Nothing happens at all.


The VM is a Symantec Brightmail Appliance downloaded from Symantec's site.  The source VMDK is a 2 GB Max Extent Sparse disk.


Is there a verbose switch to ovftool that I can actually see what it's doing or log the verbosity to a file somewhere?  Is the VMX file jacked up?  Am I missing something REALLY obvious?


Thanks for your help,


OVF tool fails to install under linux Ubuntu 9.10



Tried installing the OVF Tool for 32 bit under Ubuntu 9.10 but got the following error.







./VMware-ovftool-2.0.1-260188-lin.i386.sh: line 108: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'

./VMware-ovftool-2.0.1-260188-lin.i386.sh: line 108: `&lt;html&gt;'










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