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Cannot convert an other26xlinux-64 guest from VMX to OVF


I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing something, but if I create a VMX using the "Other 2.6.x Linux (64-bit)" guest type (so that guestOS is "other26xlinux-64"), and then convert it to OVF via ovftool (I tried 1.0 and 2.1.0, both on Linux), the resulting XML seems wrong:


    <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="1" vmw:osType="*other26xLinux64Guest">


Note the id of 1, and the asterisk before the osType string.  When importing the resuting OVF (ESXi & vSphere 4.1.0), the guest ends up as "Other (32-bit)", which is incorrect, but more significantly can't even boot until I change it manually to a 64-bit type.


I was expecting the OVF to contain:


   <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="100" vmw:osType="other26xLinux64Guest">


Hand-editing the OVF to fix up the XML works fine, and I could do some sed magic to automate all this, but I'm wondering if there is a reason for this, or a more proper fix?


Thanks a lot for any help

Creating MyvApp.ova from VM1.ova and VM2.ova


Hi All,


I have two .ova's with me. Both are SLES based and are highly customised. Designed to work togethar.


1) Is it possible using ovftool to create a vApp containing these two vms.? 

2) And also adding custom vApp properties to it.?


I can do this manually using vsphere client. And also using powercli scripts.

But I wanted to do it in an offline manner i.e. not involving any running esx host.


Please share your thoughts.




ovftool - Defining the 'Product', 'Version' and 'Vendor'?




Am trying to export an ova from a VM using ovftool.  Something along the lines of...


ovftool --prop:Version=100 --privateKey=./id_rsa.pem --eula@=./eula.txt vi://root:mypass@myserver.mydomain.com/myVM ./myOVA.ova


Everything looks good except that I haven't been able to define the 'Product', 'Version' and 'Vendor'  that appears in the initial dialog when customers deploy the template into a running ESX / vCenter instance.


Assume this must be a v common question but have not found how this might be done from the ovftool user guide (http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/ovf/ovf301/ovftool-301-userguide.pdf) or the VMware communities.  Closest I've found is http://communities.vmware.com/thread/328504 which indicates that defining a vCenter vApp allow configurable properties to be set.


Is there any way to define these parameters via ovftool?  If not, is there a way to hack the .ova manually to define them?


Thanks in advance,


How to use ovftool command line utility Video Tutorial

Unable to deploy an ovf to datacenter folder


We have a specific folder used for certain vm's that I need to deploy to.

As an example I can view the current list of vm's with:

ovftool vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms

Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:

Now let’s say I want to import an ovf to myvms/vmname4 I get a "Locator does not refer to an object" error.

ovftool --datastore=mydatastore --network=mynetwork vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4 newvm.ovf

Opening VI source: vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4
Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://myadmin:mypass@ourvcenter/DATACENTER/vm/myvms/vmname4
Completed with errors

I have tried variations of using —name and —vmfolder and changing the vi: path without success.

I can import directly to esxi and to host through vcenter but we are then having to go back into vcenter to move these vms to the correct folder.

Is there a way to get this into the "right" place up front?

Cannot Import OVF into ESXi 3.5



Using a seperate process (python-vm-builder), I am building an ESX/ESXi compliant image that I have confirmed can be uploaded, imported and started in Workstation, ESX 3.0, ESXi 3.5 and even Server 2.0+.



I'm trying to go into the next step now, and convert this ESXi Image into a single OVF archive for even easier deployments.



Using the latest OVF Tool I have successfully created the new .ovf and zipped it up inside a tar.gz'd.  On my Windows box, I then extract it (using WinRAR), then using 'Import' in VIC try to import it.  When I select the OVF and click next it then throws the below error:






An error occurred while parsing the OVF descriptor

Unable to parse XML element 'Envelope'






What am I doing wrong? 



I have attached both the original VMX and the new OVF.



Please help!






Thank you.



Error converting OVF to VMX -- virtualbox-3?


I am trying to convert a .ovf to a .vmx using the ovftool utility in terminal on OSX 10.6.8.


USING the --lax command, the result I get is as follows:



Opening OVF source: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17/appliance50.ovf
Opening VMX target: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17/appliance50.vmx
- Line 39: Unsupported hardware family 'virtualbox-3'.
- Line 107: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '10': No support for the virtual hardware device type '35'.
- Line 63: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '5': No support for the virtual hardware device type '20'.
- Missing hardware element 'CPU' with RASD type '3'.
- Line 127: Duplicate element 'AddressOnParent'.
Writing VMX file: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm/appliance50.vmx
Transfer Failed                      
Error: Capacity mismatch for disk /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm//appliance50-disk1.vmdk
Deleting directory tree below: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm
- No manifest file found.
Completed with errors



Any suggestions on how to fix this?  It seems to be a problem with ovftool itself?

Cannot convert OVA to VMX using OVFTOOL / Using workstation throws system Error


I am facing an issue. I have an ova file of size 362 MB. I am using OVFTOOL to convert ova to vmx file. I get the below error during conversion,

Also tried with option --chunkSize=200mb, but with no luck. Same error as below.


Transfer Failed

Error: System error: (Unknown exception)

Completed with errors.


In Vmware workstation 8, i get the below error when i am trying to import the OVA file with the below steps,

a). From the File menu on the VMware Workstation 8 menu bar, select Open.

b).  Browse to the .ovf or .ova file and click Open and Import.


I get the below error.  Anyone who could help me with this?


ovftool 1.0 and virtualcenter 2.5 update 4 Envelope error importing ovf


When I try to import an OVF vile created with ovftool 1.0 I get a compatibility error


an error occurred while parsing the ovf descriptor:



unable to parse xlm element ‘Envelope'



I made an ovf file using ovftool 1.0 from a virtual machine I was running on an ESX 3.5 server.



The tool created the file with no problems and when I run the following command I get no error:



ovftool --schemaValidate x:\OVF\clone.ovf



Opening OVF source: x:\OVF\clone.ovf



OVF version:   1.0



Name:          clone (1)






Download Size:     5.14 GB






Deployment Sizes:



  Flat disks:     32.00 GB



  Sparse disks:    8.13 GB









  Name:        VM Network



  Description: The VM Network network






Virtual Hardware:



  Family:       vmx-04



  Disk Types:   SCSI-lsilogic






Completed successfully



OVF entry to embed .vmx data?






Does anyone know of a way to add .vmx key/value pairs from an OVF?



As in: foo="bar"






As it stands I would have my newly imported OVF use VMware API (with host' ESX credentials) modify the .vmx file after boot but those changes aren't preserved unless the VM is powered down. Catch 22!






ovftool --nodisks still creates .ovf file with disk information



Hi All,



I'm using ovftool with the --noDisks option, but there still seems to be disk information in the .ovf file (see attachments).



I'm trying to import the virtual appliance on a ESXI 3.5 update 2 server, using VM Converter 4.0.1.



When I try and import the virtual appliance, I get the following error:



FAILED: Unable to download the OVF file 'http: //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/vm_ovf_backups/esxi-test-disk1.vmdk'.



I thought the --noDisks option would leave out any information relating to the disks - am I wrong?



Regards, Michael



Unsupported hardware


I recieve the following error "- Unsupported hardware version: 3". Please assist. Converting a vmx to a ovf. Recieve error when vmx file is opened.

Trying to convert VirtualBox OVF



I'm trying to convert an VirtualBox OVF that we had prepared to use in a ESX environment, but am recieving errors.  First off, I just want to make sure we are able to do this and secondly if anyone is able to help me resolve the errors.



Initiall I received the following errors.  This is trying to do a conversion directly on the ovf I was given.


E:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop&gt;ovftool debian-server-32bit.ovf debian-s
Opening OVF source: debian-server-32bit.ovf
Warning: No manifest file
Opening VMX target: debian-server-32bit.vmx
- Line 8: Unsupported value 'http://www.vmware.com/specifications/vmdk.html#spa
rse' for attribute 'format' on element 'Disk'.
- Line 37: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 45: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 48: Unsupported element 'AllocationUnits'
- Line 54: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 57: Unsupported element 'ResourceSubType'
- Line 58: Unsupported element 'Address'
- Line 63: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 66: Unsupported element 'AutomaticAllocation'
- Line 67: Unsupported element 'AddressOnParent'
- Line 74: Unsupported element 'ResourceSubType'
- Line 75: Unsupported element 'AutomaticAllocation'
- Line 76: Unsupported element 'Connection'
- Line 81: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 84: Unsupported element 'Address'
- Line 89: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 92: Unsupported element 'ResourceSubType'
- Line 93: Unsupported element 'AutomaticAllocation'
- Line 94: Unsupported element 'AddressOnParent'
- Line 99: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 102: Unsupported element 'HostResource'
- Line 103: Unsupported element 'Parent'
- Line 104: Unsupported element 'AddressOnParent'
- Line 109: Unsupported element 'Description'
- Line 112: Unsupported element 'AutomaticAllocation'
- Line 113: Unsupported element 'Parent'
- Line 114: Unsupported element 'AddressOnParent'


After this I tried importing into VirtualBox and then exporting will checking the use Legacy OVF setting.  Which resulted in the following error:


E:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents&gt;ovftool "Debian Server (32bit).ovf"
Opening OVF source: Debian Server (32bit).ovf
Opening VMX target: ian-server-32bit.vmx
- Line 82: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '7': No support
for the virtual hardware device type '35'.


VMware's ovftool doesn't install/work on VMware vMA 4.0?


Tried to install 64bit ovftool on VMware vMA 4.0 today and it failed to install or yield any useful information:


[vi-admin@scofield]$ ./VMware-ovftool-installer-1.0.0-166674-lin.x86_64.sh

VMware OVF Tool installer script
Copyright VMware 2009
.........extracting archive........

Checksum validation failed for archive.
(If you use FTP, make sure to set it to binary mode)


As far as I can tell, the binary is actually included in the install script though I'm not sure why 'FTP' is being referenced here unless VMware is expecting to download the actual source? I would hope that since vMA is a VMware virtual appliance that it should support any "VMwae" utilities but from what I've seen in the past with VDDK and VIX, that is not always and generally is not the case.


Can anyone comment on or know how to get it to install?


Thanks for your time






William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

VMware ESX/ESXi scripts and resources at: http://engineering.ucsb.edu/~duonglt/vmware/

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community




If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".

ovftool fail with error message "Disk Transfer Failed\n Error: IO error"



I'm trying to deploy one ovf file to my ESX 4.0



ovftool -v

VMware ovftool 1.0.0 (build-166674)



following is my command line.



ovftool --powerOffTarget --powerOn --overwrite=true --datastore=storage1 --name=base1 /NSN/Virtual_Machines/BASE/latest/Base.ovf vi://Administrator:pass@


the result is:



Opening OVF source: /NSN/Virtual_Machines/BASE/latest/Base.ovf

Opening VI target: vi://Administrator@

Target: vi://

Disk Transfer Failed           

Error: IO error



I can see base1 directory generated on ESX projectbld on storage1 , and some zero size are created , too

and I can also see  "Deploy OVF template" on my vSphere Client.


but the progress on vSphere Client will be the task was canceled by a user.

and ovftool fail.






who can tell me what's going wrong? or where is the log to investgate on both ESX and ovftool host?



Publishing an ovf to IIS 6?


I have exported an VM to an ovf and put it in a folder on a 2003 windows server.  I then created a web folder in IIS 6, and turned on folder browsing.  When I put the url path in vSphere to import the ovf, I get a 404 error from IIS.  Is there a way to publish an ovf to IIS6? 



Thanks in advance,


Virtual serial port in OVF descriptor to import in VMWare ESX 4.0


Hi to all in the community,


I have some problems configuring a Juniper virtual appliance with a "virtual serial port" in an OVF format. I intend to configure the basic network settings of this appliance through a "virtual serial port" and expect scripts. This is to run on an ESX 4.0.


1/ I tried to convert different configurations of virtual machine (Linux ones) with serial port and virtual serial port (in VMX format from Workstation 6.0) to OVF format in order to check the way the serial port and virtual serial ports are described. For this I used OVFTool 2.0.1 and VMWare vCenter Converter Standalone 4.0.1. I can not get any information regarding the serial ports or the virtual serial ports whatever the original configuration (VMX) and whichever tool is use. Could anybody provide some help or light regarding this?


2/ Is there a specific way to describe serial ports and virtual serial ports in the OVF descriptor? I didn't find anything relevant in the DMTF document DSP0243_1.1.0.pdf!


3/ In general, how can I get my appliance loading properly on my ESX server with a virtual serial port without touching vSphere and before powering it on automatically?


Thanks in advance to those who can help.



Script or tool to export VM from ESX 3.5 in OVF 0.9 Format?


The subject sez it all!  I want to find an automated way to snag the 0.9-format OVFs of VMs that are on a Legacy 3.5 ESX Server. Can anyone suggest a method for this?  Everything I've tried so far always gets me OVF 1.0 files, that I can't use because of some other tools that need 0.9 as the input.


Thanks, CJ

ovftool slow speed and Win7 virtual machine



I am using the ovftool v2.0.1 64bit to automatically create the OVA files from the virtual machines created by the workstation 7.1 and have two big problems:

  • The ovftool don't know the gestos = "windows7-64" in the vmx file.
    • It encode it to <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="1" vmw:osType="*winVista64Guest">.
    • Using the ovftool to create the virtual machine from this ova package create vmx file with guestos = "other" (32bit OS). The virtual machine doesn't work before the OS type is not changed to the 64bit win7
    • Using the guestos = "winvista-64" in vmx file is the workaround but I want to see support for win7 x64bit OS, please.
  • Using the ovftool with mapped network discs on Win7 is nightmare when encoding or decoding the OVA file with compress option. The speed is about 1MB/s when the target is on mapped network disk. Tested in more environment with same results.
    The virtual drive size before compression (vmdk file) is about 12GB and the size after compression is about 5-6GB (ova package).
    The OS installed in virtual drive is Win7 64b.
    I am using parameter "--compression=9" when creating the ova package.


Do you have any solution for these problems. especially for the second one, please?

Deploy ovf from within the datastore help




I currently am trying to deploy an ovf onto an esxi machine. The ovf is currently located on the destination esxi machine.


Here is the command I was trying to use:


.\ovftool "https://<ip address>/folder/group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf?dcPath=ha-datacenter&dsName=datastore1" vi://user:password@<ip address>



group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf is the is the location of the ovf within the datastore.


When I try to execute this it has the error:


Error: Could not open URL https://<ip address>/folder/group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf?dcPath=ha-datacenter&dsName=datastore1 (response code 404)


If i open up the vsphere UI and go through the deploy ovf wizard using

https://<ip address>/folder/group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf?dcPath=ha-datacenter&dsName=datastore1  (same as above)

as the location of the ovf file it works fine.


If anyone can help me i would greatly appriciate it. I searched all over and couldnt find an answer anywhere else and couldnt figure it out when looking at the docs. Sorry if this is a repeat post.



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