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ovftool: VirtualBox to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver


Hi all,


I have a VirtualBox OVA file that I'd like to convert to vSphere with vmxnet3 driver.


I've ran my VBOX OVA file against ovftool with --lax option to avoid the "unknown hardware virtualbox-2.2" issue which produces VMX and VMDISK file.


Is there a way for OVFTOOL to change the network adapter to use vmxnet3 as opposed to "just open the VMX file and edit virtualDev section"?




slow speeds ovf tool




I have about a dozen OVF's I'm importing into ESXi 5.5 via the Linux ovftool client. The VM's range from 5gb to 30gb and include VMDK files. I am still improrting the first one and it is taking a crazy long time. The CPU and Memory usage stays under 1% on the client, and getting up to 5% has taken me the better part of an hour. Network speeds don't seem to be an issue, I'm wired and can SCP files from the same source and destination at 30MB/s. Is there something I'm missing? please help

VMware's ovftool doesn't install/work on VMware vMA 4.0?


Tried to install 64bit ovftool on VMware vMA 4.0 today and it failed to install or yield any useful information:


[vi-admin@scofield]$ ./VMware-ovftool-installer-1.0.0-166674-lin.x86_64.sh

VMware OVF Tool installer script
Copyright VMware 2009
.........extracting archive........

Checksum validation failed for archive.
(If you use FTP, make sure to set it to binary mode)


As far as I can tell, the binary is actually included in the install script though I'm not sure why 'FTP' is being referenced here unless VMware is expecting to download the actual source? I would hope that since vMA is a VMware virtual appliance that it should support any "VMwae" utilities but from what I've seen in the past with VDDK and VIX, that is not always and generally is not the case.


Can anyone comment on or know how to get it to install?


Thanks for your time






William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

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Twitter: @lamw

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ovftool "locator does not refer to an object"


I am trying to create an OVF from a vm in vsphere - I'm running ovftool on a linux machine, and using the following syntax (I got this from the ovftool users guide):

ovftool username@myvcenter.aaa.com/"datacenter name"/vm/vmname /local/path/tostoreit/vnname.ovf

It prompts for a password, I enter the password, and it comes back with:

Opening VI source: vi://username@myvcenter.aaa.com/datacenter name/vmname
Error: Locator does not refer to an object:vi://username@myvcenter.aaa.com/datacenter name/vmname


Incidentally, I get the exact same error when I try using the mac version of ovftool, and the windows version.

Please help - I know this should work. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but I have to get this working pretty fast.

Thank you!!

Scripting ovftool


I need to write a script to remotely shotdown a guest VM, export it to .ova format an restart it.

Is there any sample I can start from?



Error converting OVF to VMX -- virtualbox-3?


I am trying to convert a .ovf to a .vmx using the ovftool utility in terminal on OSX 10.6.8.


USING the --lax command, the result I get is as follows:



Opening OVF source: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17/appliance50.ovf
Opening VMX target: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17/appliance50.vmx
- Line 39: Unsupported hardware family 'virtualbox-3'.
- Line 107: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '10': No support for the virtual hardware device type '35'.
- Line 63: OVF hardware element 'ResourceType' with instance ID '5': No support for the virtual hardware device type '20'.
- Missing hardware element 'CPU' with RASD type '3'.
- Line 127: Duplicate element 'AddressOnParent'.
Writing VMX file: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm/appliance50.vmx
Transfer Failed                      
Error: Capacity mismatch for disk /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm//appliance50-disk1.vmdk
Deleting directory tree below: /Users/Andrew/Desktop/CS50/appliance50-17.vmwarevm
- No manifest file found.
Completed with errors



Any suggestions on how to fix this?  It seems to be a problem with ovftool itself?

ovftool deploy failing with "Network connection was lost"




Is anybody aware of what network flows exist when deploying an ovf file using ovftool through a vCenter?  Right now ovftool is continually erroring out with the following message:


Transfer Failed                      
Error: Network connection was lost.
Completed with errors


When watching on the vCenter I can see that the virtual machine is created but then it looks like data is never actually transferred.  So I know that the initial connection to vCenter is successful.


I'm guessing the initial connection happens with vCenter and then the data transfer occurs directly with the ESX.  Would be very appreciative if somebody could confirm this and identify the port that the data transfer happens on.




ovftool - Managing Resource Pools




I am using vSphere ESX (4 or 5).

I am writing automatic scripts using esxcfg and ovftool (on windows) commands.


I have some questions:


1. How can i create Resource Pool's? (if it cannot be done using ovftool, is there another way? maybe using esxcfg?)


2. What is the exact syntax of ovftool to deploy under that Resource Pool?

I am looking for something like this:

ovftool --noImageFiles -ds=dsName --net:"Network1"="Network2" --name=MyVM "C:/MyVM.ovf" "vi://user:password@"

or anything else that can help.





Welcome OVF Tool users !


We are excited about this new community and welcome all to participate and discuss OVF Tool topics.

OVFTool on ESXi 3.5 - Works ok with single vmdk, fails with multi vmdk or vmdk > 8GB


I am migrating multiple VMs from one ESXi server to another due to some instability in the original ESXi hardware.  I have been easily able to move, using OVFTool, all VMs except for one.  This particular VM has a 80GB disk storage area, consisting of two VMDKs.  The guest OS is Fedora and it uses LVMs to group the disks together into a logical drive in the guest.


When I move the VM to OVF, I get about 15% of the way through and then it fires an error:




Disk Transfer Failed           

Error: Unable to get NFC ticket for target disk

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Vim::Fault::NotAuthenticated::Exception'

what():  vim.fault.NotAuthenticated




The target file system is a NFS mounted volume, however 8 VMs prior to this transferred fine to it.  This error is consistent, and I have shutdown the guest VM before transferring.




I found a post stating that if a OVF exceeds 8GB in size, it won't work with OVFTool, which I'm hesitant to believe, so just in case I added --chunkSize=7gb  to be certain.  That made no difference at all, although it did get through one of the chunks ok.  Its almost like when it hits 8GB regardless of chunkSize, it fails.  The other VMs that successfully transferred over were less than 8GB in size.




Here is the full command I'm using for this:




ovftool --chunkSize=7gb vi:// /files/vmware_images/OVFs/TSWEB4_Fedora5_EMAIL.ovf


Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?  Also can anyone confirm that OVFTool works fine with multiple VMDKs in a VM and where total file size exceeds 8GB?




Thanks in advance for any suggestions.





How to specify which datastore to use with OVFtool



This is driving me crazy! How do you specify which datastore to use when there are multiple?



I ran exactly the same command on a box that had one datastore and it worked fine (as expected). It created the VM folder in the root of the DS and then pulled across the VM from the OVF. However with multiple it just says no target datstore specified. I've tried a million combinations of ?-ds= with square brackets, without. Sometimes it says not found in inventory. I guess it's looking for a folder. But surely this can't be that hard?



C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool P:\Downloads\PanoManagerVM-2.8.0

-ovf\panomanager.ovf "vi://root@

Opening OVF source: P:\Downloads\PanoManagerVM-2.8.0-ovf\panomanager.ovf

Warning: No manifest file

Please enter login information for target vi://

Username: root

Password: *********

Opening VI target: vi://root@

Error: No target datastore specified

Datastores found on target:

  SAN Storage




Oracle VM VirtualBox image -> VMware ESXi Server


I'm running Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2 on my Windows 7 PC. I want to import this to my VMware ESXi Server 4.x. Give me guidens to what are the options I have follow to export first. And how to import that file to VMware ESXi Server second.




Deploy ovf from within the datastore help




I currently am trying to deploy an ovf onto an esxi machine. The ovf is currently located on the destination esxi machine.


Here is the command I was trying to use:


.\ovftool "https://<ip address>/folder/group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf?dcPath=ha-datacenter&dsName=datastore1" vi://user:password@<ip address>



group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf is the is the location of the ovf within the datastore.


When I try to execute this it has the error:


Error: Could not open URL https://<ip address>/folder/group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf?dcPath=ha-datacenter&dsName=datastore1 (response code 404)


If i open up the vsphere UI and go through the deploy ovf wizard using

https://<ip address>/folder/group1/Win7-5/Win7-5.ovf?dcPath=ha-datacenter&dsName=datastore1  (same as above)

as the location of the ovf file it works fine.


If anyone can help me i would greatly appriciate it. I searched all over and couldnt find an answer anywhere else and couldnt figure it out when looking at the docs. Sorry if this is a repeat post.



ovftool failing to convert vmx to ovf



I'm attempting to do a vmware to ovf converstion.  However, I'm receiving some fairly generic errors from ovftool and was hoping I could get some help.


Here are the console messages when I attempt to convert:


[root@provisionvrpt ~]# /usr/bin/ovftool --machineOutput --X:logToConsole=true /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\ Machines/vm/test.vmx /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\ Machines/vmovf/test.ovf
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 2 (SIGINT)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 4 (SIGILL)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 6 (SIGABRT)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 8 (SIGFPE)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 15 (SIGTERM)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 1 (SIGHUP)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 3 (SIGQUIT)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 5 (SIGTRAP)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.990 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 9 (SIGKILL)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.991 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Subscribing to signal: 13 (SIGPIPE)
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.991 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] [ovfTool.cpp] Using home directory /root/.ovftool
[2011-08-16 00:42:55.991 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] [ovfTool.cpp] OvfTool Environment:
/X:fencedMode = "bridged"
/X:imageReadSize = "262144"
/X:logToConsole = "true"
/X:maxNumberOfTermSignals = "5"
/X:maxRedirects = "256"
/X:maximalDeltaConfSize = "8"
/X:maximalDeltaTreeSize = "6"
/X:progressSmoothing = "60"
/X:vimSessionTimeout = "600"
/authdPortSource = "902"
/authdPortTarget = "902"
/machineOutput = "true"
/prgPath = "/opt/vmware/ovftool"
/source = "/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/vm/test.vmx"
/target = "/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/vmovf/test.ovf"


[2011-08-16 00:42:56.000 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] [ovfTool.cpp] Done initializing libs
[2011-08-16 00:42:56.000 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] [ovfTool.cpp] Determining source
[2011-08-16 00:42:56.212 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] [ovfTool.cpp] Determining target
[2011-08-16 00:42:57.488 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Failed to open disk: /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/vm/test.vmdk
[2011-08-16 00:42:57.488 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Exception: The specified virtual disk needs repair
Error: Failed to open disk: test.vmdk
[2011-08-16 00:42:57.493 B7FAC6D0 verbose 'ovftool'] Backtrace:
[00] rip 050210b3
[01] rip 04eb6e9e
[02] rip 04e55ec2
[03] rip 081c014b
[04] rip 08310271
[05] rip 08311b54
[06] rip 0831ad24
[07] rip 0831b1f7
[08] rip 0831b74c
[09] rip 081f871a
[10] rip 0816fa45
[11] rip 080cd318
[12] rip 0317be9c
[13] rip 080ae4f1


But when I attempt to repair the disk, I get the following:


vmware-vdiskmanager -R /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\ Machines/vm/test.vmdk
No errors were found on the virtual disk, '/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/vm/test.vmdk'.


Any help would be apprecaited.  Is there a way to increase the verbosity of the logging?

Here is my ovftool version info: VMware ovftool 2.0.1 (build-260188)



OVFTool cannot set property successfully


I want to set some properties to ovf files.


I use ovftool as bellow:


ovftool --prop:ip= --prop:dns=


when this command has been executed without error showing, I still cannot see the property of ovf files.


Then I used ovftool myovffile.ovf


I still can not see the property I want to set.

what should I do?

Lost network connection data during the OVF conversion process

Hi all,
My application converts an OVF format VM into VMX format, run a program to patch/insert file
into the vmdk file, re-convert the VMX format back to OVF format. During the process, the
original network connection changes from "VM Networks" to "bridge". I am trying to understand
if there is a solution to retain the original network connection setting.
Virtual Center 4.1.0
OVF tool 2.1.0
A linux based on CentOS 5.5
1. Use the tool "Export OVF Template" on Virtual Center to export a Linux VM (other 32bit Linux).
2. Use command "ovftool sourcerfile1.ovf targetfile.vmx"
3. Use command "ovftool targetfile.vmk /tmp/test/sourcefile2.ovf"
When the VM was exported by VC (after step 1), the ovf file contains the following NetworkSection:
    <Info>The list of logical networks</Info>
    <Network ovf:name="VM Network">
      <Description>The VM Network network</Description>
When the OVF got converted from VMX (after step 3), the ovf file contains the following NetworkSection:
    <Info>The list of logical networks</Info>
    <Network ovf:name="bridged">
      <Description>The bridged network</Description>
I did have an older setup where it uses VC 3.5 and OVF tool 1.0. When I performed the same procedure,
the network section is unchanged in the final ovf file. When I compared the .vmx file between the
old and new procedure, they are almost identical, with the exception of number of CPU parameter.
So, what am I doing wrong here?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Attempting to Sign an OVF Package


Right now I'm trying to sign an OVF Package and I receive these sets of errors when I do:


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe --privateKey= "C:\Documents
and Settings\jhamilto\My Documents\Downloads\bin\myself.pem" C:\tmp\test2.ovf
Opening OVF source: C:\Documents and Settings\jhamilto\My Documents\Downloads\bi
Warning: No manifest file
- Line 1: Could not parse the document: 'syntax error'.
Completed with errors


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe --privateKey= "C:\Documents
and Settings\jhamilto\My Documents\Downloads\bin\myself.pem" \C:\tmp\test2.ovf \
Error: Unexpected option: \C:\tmp\SignedTest.ovf
Completed with errors


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe --privateKey="C:\Documents a
nd Settings\jhamilto\My Documents\Downloads\bin\myself.pem" \C:\tmp\test2.ovf \C
Error: Failed to open file:
Completed with errors


Do I have a syntax error or is there something else that I am missing?

OFV export trouble


hello, I am stuck.  Any help is much appreciated.

I am simply trying to export an OVF template from a vm (.vmx) in vCenter 4.1.0 using the OVF Tool.


The vm is located here:

<vcenter>/<datacenter>/vm/Build Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi


I can probe the object like this:

[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi

OVF version:   1.0

VirtualApp:    false

Name:          yoshi


Download Size:     Unknown


Deployment Sizes:

  Flat disks:     80.00 GB

  Sparse disks:   Unknown


  Name:        CVO VM Network

  Description: The CVO VM Network network


Virtual Hardware:

  Family:       vmx-07

  Disk Types:   SCSI-lsilogic

Now, I am having problems specifying a target locator to export the ovf template.
I am trying to export the ovf template to the following location:


[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/templates/
Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi
Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:
  RDI Upgrade Test Template
Completed with errors
[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/templates/ovf-templates
Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi
Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:
Completed with errors


[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/templates/ovf-templates/yoshi.ovf

Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi

Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/templates/ovf-templates/yoshi.ovf

Completed with errors

Can someone help identify the correct target locator?

I have also tried the following host path:


[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/host/R\&D

Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi

Opening VI target: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/host/R&D

Error: No target datastore specified. Possible completions:



  NFS Install

  VM template backup






Completed with errors


[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/host/R\&D/skillet-ds2

Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi

Error: Locator does not refer to an object: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/host/R&D/skillet-ds2

Completed with errors


[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi://<user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/host/R\&D?ds=[skillet-ds2]

Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi

Error: Datacenter object not found

Completed with errors

[root@r2d2 bin]# ovftool vi:// <user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/vm/Build\ Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi vi:// <user>:<password>@helios.blue.roguewave.com/Corvallis/host/R\&D?ds=[skillet-ds2]ovfs
Opening VI source: vi://bluoma@helios.blue.roguewave.com:443/Corvallis/vm/Build%20Server/sles11-sp1-x8664/yoshi
Error: Datacenter object not found
Completed with errors
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

Properties lost when deployed a VM and exported it to OVF




I have built a VM, using VMware Studio in OVA format. I defined some custom OVF environment properties in it.

After I built the VM, I opened the .OVF file to see the property values are appeared correctly. They look like the below


<ProductSection ovf:required="false">
      <Info>VM ISV branding information</Info>
      <Vendor> xxxxxxxxx , Inc.</Vendor>
      <FullVersion>x.x.x.x alpha</FullVersion>



I deployed this OVF to a ESXi 4.0 server. Later exported the same VM to OVF format using OVFTool, using the command line


ovftool.exe vi://root:xxxxxxxxxxx@IP/vmname  "d:\Virtual Machines\imported-OVF\newVM.ovf"


After the export, I opened the newVM.OVF file and found that the properties (like product, vendor, version etc.) are not retained.


What could be the issue. Please suggest.



import ova esx 3.5


hi everyone


im trying to install Solar Winds virtualization manager on my Esxi 3.5.

The appliance is on OVA format.

i got o File--> Virtual Appliance -->Import-->Import the file and i get the next error:  An error occurred while parsing the OVF descriptor: System out of memory exeption.


Then i try to extract the ova file, and i get 4 new files, one of them a OVF. then i try to use it and i get the the next error: An error occurred while parsing the OVF descriptor : Unable to parse xml element ´Envelope´.

This is a OVF version error, 3.5 use a older version of OVF, (0.9 i think).


I dont know how to install this appliance , i hope u can help me.


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