how to assign a ip address and mask from cli for the vm which is created in...
Hi all, I have installed ovf tool in my ubuntu server and and used the ovftool command line interface to create vm on the remote server. Now i need to assign an IP address to that VM from the cli. Can...
View ArticleHow to insert multi laguage eula in ova file.
I inserted eula file in ova file by ovftool command "eula@=[filename]".But i dont know how to insert multi laguage eula.How do I do that with the ovftool command?
View Articleovftool.exe crashes when deploying OVA from Windows 7
I'm experiencing a coredump when attempting to deploy an OVA into vCenter 5.0.0. I have downloaded the OVA to the Windows 7 PC locally and have run the ovftool from that path as follows: ovftool...
View ArticleError loading Operating System
I recently had an issue where I exported a VM as an OVF using the vSphere client, a few weeks later I needed to import the VM back into our environment and after importing I received an "Error loading...
View ArticleCannot convert an other26xlinux-64 guest from VMX to OVF
I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing something, but if I create a VMX using the "Other 2.6.x Linux (64-bit)" guest type (so that guestOS is "other26xlinux-64"), and then convert it to OVF via...
View Articleovftool fails with curl error: couldn't connect to server
HI, I'm trying to create an OVF using ovftool 3.0.1. When I issue the ovftool command from the command line I get:Error: cURL error: Couldn't connect to serverCompleted with errors I used the...
View Articleimport ova esx 3.5
hi everyone im trying to install Solar Winds virtualization manager on my Esxi 3.5.The appliance is on OVA format.i got o File--> Virtual Appliance -->Import-->Import the file and i get the...
View ArticleNo support for the virtual hardware device type '7'
Hello When using ovftool: # ovftool file.ova fileOpening OVA source: file.ovaThe manifest validatesOpening VMX target: fileError: OVF Package is not supported by target:- Line 60: OVF hardware element...
View ArticleProblem with VMware player 5.0
Hi all,I do not know'if it is the right place todiscuss it.I installedvmware playeron a pcacer(with 4gbramandcpu2,2G), whenI launch itI get thiserror: I launchedinmode super user.could you help...
View ArticleOVFs from virtualbox
Hey This is a short writeup on what is needed to import OVF produced with VirtualBox 2.2.4 (and 2.2.2) You should tell VirtualBox to export in 0.9 format. By default it produce OVFs for vmx-06 so...
View Articleovftool crashes
Using ovftool for the first time and it throws a critical error: ovftool "vi://root:********@server005/term008 - xenapp server" "f:\Data\Virtual Machines\TERM008 - XenApp server\term008.ovf"Opening...
View Articleovf tool fails on device paths
"A line such as ide1:0.fileName = "/dev/cdrom" or a line such as ide1:0.fileName = "/dev/scd0" wil cause the ovftool to abort with the following message: - Device 'cdrom1' has a backing type that is...
View Articleovftool coredumped
I use ovftool to deploy an appliance to a host (esx 3.5i). after disk copy done, I got an error message and the tool core dumped. What does the message means ? Thanks in advance. Opening OVF...
View ArticleOVF entry to embed .vmx data?
Hi, Does anyone know of a way to add .vmx key/value pairs from an OVF? As in: foo="bar" As it stands I would have my newly imported OVF use VMware API (with host' ESX credentials) modify the...
View ArticleUnsupported element 'Property'
I am trying to import OVF with custom propery set and getting folling error with vmware ovf tool. Any idea on how to resolve this issue? Error: - Line 107: Unsupported element 'Property'
View ArticleDeploy OVF template with monolithicFlat VMDKs
I am currently trying to deploy a OVF template that points to a VMDK of createType=monolithicFlat. At the time of deployment I get an error .. Failed to deploy OVF package: The remote server returned...
View ArticleExport ESXi VM using ovftool in Linux
Hello, I am trying to use the ovftool in Linux to export a VM running on ESXi 4.0 to an OVF package with the following syntax: $ovftool "vi://root@192.168.X.XXX?ds=[datastore1]test-vm/test-vm.vmx"...
View Articlerun ovftool error , anyone helps?
i am using ovftool (verisn 2.01), and i have got some error as below, anyone ever met these? SOS (1)command:"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --X:logToConsole...
View ArticleOVA to VMX using OVFTool in Mac OSx Terminal Problem
Hello, I am new to OVFTool and am having difficulty using it in Terminal on my MacBook Pro to convert an OVA (created by exporting my WinXp virtual machine from within VirtualBox), to a VMX file for...
View ArticleESX 4.1 fails to deploy ova using ovftool and self-signed appliance
Environment: - ovftool 2.0.1 (build-260188) - ESXi 4.0.0 (244038) - ESXi 4.1.0 (260247) I'm creating an OVA using ovftool from an appliance that's turned off. It's installed on the ESX 4.1...
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