Is it possible to create the vm using script without datacenter ?...
We are getting null response (No error) when create the vm without datacenter params..
View ArticleHow to specify which datastore to use with OVFtool
This is driving me crazy! How do you specify which datastore to use when there are multiple? I ran exactly the same command on a box that had one datastore and it worked fine (as expected). It...
View ArticleDeploy an OVF template
I am using the OVFTOOL as follows: ovftool myvm.ovf vi://DataCenter/192.168.XX.XX?ds=store Result: Opening OVF Source : myvm.ovf Error: Succes What does this mean?? =(
View ArticleDefining serial port Without the GUI
I need access to my deployed virtual machine's serial console, not through a GUI window, but through ssh or telnet. I finally found how to define a serial console so that I can telnet in, which is...
View ArticleDeploy ovf to a resource pool
Hi, Ive read through the pdf and have tried a few different ways but couldnt figure it out. I was curious if anyone could give me an example syntax of deploying an ovf into a resource pool on the...
View ArticleVMware OVF Tool 2.1.0 is now alive.
Hi All. VMware OVF Tool 2.1.0 is now ready for download. Go to the download link on the frontpage. Eske
View ArticleConvert ovf template to vsx
Hello ,I used the vcenter 4.1 console to Export OVF Template. We need to be able to load this template in vmware player. I downloaded ovftool and tried to convert the OVF template so that it could...
View Articleovftool 2.1.0 `Error: Curl error: Coudn't resolve host name`
Greetings friends, I have installed ovftool on a Linux machine with SLES 11 SP1 x86_64 I am currently experimenting on how to use ovftool, as i'm a total newbie considering it's use. I currently have a...
View ArticleError in uploading to vCloud using ovftool
Hi, I try to upload a physical server image to vcloud but it keep returning this error "Invalid response from Server" >ovftool -o --net:"bridged=myNetwork" --ipAllocationPolicy=transientPolicy...
View ArticleDeploy OVF Template problems
Hi!I'm trying to to deploy a OVF/OVA file into my vCenter but I'm getting a error message, pls help me. "Line 61: No space left for device '5' on parent controller '4'." (Tested to deploy other...
View ArticleCan not convert a VMX from vCenter server to a local vmx
I am trying to convent a vmx within vCenter server to a local vmx, i am trying with: ovftool.exe "vi://user:password@my_vCenterserver/may_datacenter?ds=[my_datastore] my_vm/my_vm.vmx" C:\ovfs\my_vm.vmx...
View ArticleDeployment from OVA format.
Hi,I am deploying a VM using a OVA format. The size of OVA format is 60 GB. Currently free space on my datastore is 388 GB.At the time of selecting Disk Format type if shows me in red that the disk...
View ArticleDeploy OVF Template in VMWare Workstation 10 using ovf-tool
Hi All, I just started exploring the ovf-tools. I have an ovf template available for a VM and I was able to deploy it in Workstation using the GUI.Is there a way / command available to use this...
View Articleovftool - What is wrong with my command?
I have tried everything and having trouble with this command and here is the error I am getting. I have tried "--network=VM Network" and every option I can think of and those options seems correct...
View ArticleOVFTool 2.1.0 with Active Directory Question (vSphere crashes)
When I try to export one of my VMs using File/Export/Export OVF crashes vSphere with a nice assertion window. To see what the cause of this is, I decided to try using ovftool 2.1.0 on...
View ArticleProblem running OVF Tool 3.0.1 on Mac (Locale initialization failed)
There is unfortunately a bug in OVF Tool 3.0.1 on Mac that causes OVF Tool not to work if the current directory is not the same as the installation directory! For example, if you have made a symbolic...
View Articleovftool fails with curl error: couldn't connect to server
HI, I'm trying to create an OVF using ovftool 3.0.1. When I issue the ovftool command from the command line I get:Error: cURL error: Couldn't connect to serverCompleted with errors I used the...
View ArticleLocator does not refer to an object:
Hi, trying to convert a "SUSEstudio" generated vmdk/vmx to our VI. I have:...
View ArticleError converting OVF to VMX -- virtualbox-3?
I am trying to convert a .ovf to a .vmx using the ovftool utility in terminal on OSX 10.6.8. USING the --lax command, the result I get is as follows: Opening OVF source:...
View ArticleDeploy OVA "Transfer Failed"
I have an OVA that have built and deployed via VIC many times successfully. I am now trying to automate the deployment via the OVFTOOL. However, I keep seeing this "transfer failed" message. Is...
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