run ovftool error , anyone helps?
i am using ovftool (verisn 2.01), and i have got some error as below, anyone ever met these? SOS (1)command:"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" --X:logToConsole...
View ArticleCan we relate .ovf entries with .vmx file?
I need to know, suppose I have one OVF file and need to know what values gets populated after deployment in ESX server (.vmx file).Is there one to one relation with ovf properties and vmx file?...
View ArticleDeploy ovf from within the datastore help
Hi, I currently am trying to deploy an ovf onto an esxi machine. The ovf is currently located on the destination esxi machine. Here is the command I was trying to use: .\ovftool "https://<ip...
View ArticleSDK's to Convert vmx into ovf and vice versa
Hi, I want to convert .vmx file into .ovf programmatically .Is there any SDK's for doing this ?Like vmware provides SDK's to proccessing .vmdk file please help meNandkumar
View Articleovftool failing to convert vmx to ovf
Hello,I'm attempting to do a vmware to ovf converstion. However, I'm receiving some fairly generic errors from ovftool and was hoping I could get some help. Here are the console messages when I...
View Articlegetting following error while calling OVF tool.
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool E:\vmdk2008\Windows2008\Windows2008P2V.vmx...
View ArticleUnsupported element 'Property' from ovftool and ESXi server
I'm trying to use the ovftool to import a OVA file into a ESXi server. However I get the following error Error: OVF Package is not supported by target: - Line 118: Unsupported element...
View ArticleError in uploading to vCloud using ovftool
Hi, I try to upload a physical server image to vcloud but it keep returning this error "Invalid response from Server" >ovftool -o --net:"bridged=myNetwork" --ipAllocationPolicy=transientPolicy...
View Articleovftool fails with curl error: couldn't connect to server
HI, I'm trying to create an OVF using ovftool 3.0.1. When I issue the ovftool command from the command line I get:Error: cURL error: Couldn't connect to serverCompleted with errors I used the...
View ArticleHow to upgrade hardwareversion
Hi i've an OVF virtual appliance with hardware version 4 how can i upgrade it to hardware version 7 and convert to OVA as well? it seems ovftools does not have the ability to upgrade to a higher...
View Articlesetting ovf properties with ovftool and vcloud
I'm trying to import an OVA file with settable OVF properties for configuration (product key, network configuration) into vCloud with ovftool. It seems from the documentation that I should be using the...
View ArticleHow do I set target VM hostname when deploying OVA?
I'm deploying OVA files to a vCenter using ovftool; it's working perfectly, but I want to go the extra mile and automatically set the hostname of the VM after it is deployed. I found a reference to a...
View ArticleEscaping backslashes (or other special characters) in the FTP locator
Using ovftool 3.0.1, I cannot figure out how to escape the backslash character when specifying the username and password in an FTP locator on the command line. $ ovftool...
View ArticleQuery Compression on an OVF
Is it possible to query what compression was run against an OVF when it was created? What is the default compression level for ovftool?
View Articleovftool - Managing Resource Pools
Hello, I am using vSphere ESX (4 or 5).I am writing automatic scripts using esxcfg and ovftool (on windows) commands. I have some questions: 1. How can i create Resource Pool's? (if it cannot be done...
View ArticleMigrate to another vCenter
Hi all, I have a "little" question. I have installed a new vCenter 5.5 in my farm and I would like to migrate all clusters/hosts to it. In my old vcenter there are a lot of vApps. How can migrate all...
View Articleovftool command line on Win 7 unable to process backsplash in...
Hi VMWare experts, I am having problem with automation script because the string passed in the ovftool command uses credential vsphere.local\userXYZ instead of just userXYZ It appears that the...
View ArticleCannot convert OVA to VMX using OVFTOOL / Using workstation throws system Error
I am facing an issue. I have an ova file of size 362 MB. I am using OVFTOOL to convert ova to vmx file. I get the below error during conversion,Also tried with option --chunkSize=200mb, but with no...
View Articleovftool 3.5.0 not running on CentOS 5 (needs GLIBC 3.4?)
Installed ovftool 3.5 on CentOS 5.9. Install went without any errors, says Installation Successful. Running ovftool yields about 5 errors similar to:/usr/lib/vmware-ovftool/ovftool.bin:...
View ArticleOVA file generated using OVFTool not played by Player5.0
I have VMware Player 5.0.0. It internally has ovftool 3.0.1 I used VMware Studio2.0 to build an appliance in OVA format - It opened successfully by Player 5.0Converted OVA -> OVF again from...
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