The OVF descriptor file could not be parsed.
Hi All, I have just exported an vApp using ovf from my vCenter v4u2. When I try to import into Vmware Workstation 7.1(running on Window 7 Ent 64bit) I get the following error message "The OVF...
View ArticleOVFs from virtualbox
Hey This is a short writeup on what is needed to import OVF produced with VirtualBox 2.2.4 (and 2.2.2) You should tell VirtualBox to export in 0.9 format. By default it produce OVFs for vmx-06 so...
View ArticleCannot Import OVF into ESXi 3.5
Using a seperate process (python-vm-builder), I am building an ESX/ESXi compliant image that I have confirmed can be uploaded, imported and started in Workstation, ESX 3.0, ESXi 3.5 and even Server...
View ArticleWhat is the EULA character limit?
I'm using the OVF 1.0 tool to create a package for deployment to customers. Included in my command is the --eula@=eulatext.txt parameter. When I use this parameter, the tool spends the requisite...
View Articleovftool download problem
Having problems installing on a linux host. When I try to install I get VMware OVF Tool 2.0 installer scriptCopyright VMware 2010.........extracting...
View Articleiso to ovf/ova? Can it be done?
Hi I'm wondering if there is an automation tool/command(s) that will allow us (team of developers) to import/use a .iso file that contains 64bit OS and pass it through VMware ESXi or Server and then...
View ArticleOVF tool fails to convert compressed OVF file to vmx
I have a compressed OVF file generated by OVF tool using "compress" option. However, I cannot convert the generated ovf file back to vmx. When I run OVF tool to perform conversion, it says "Disk...
View ArticleDefining serial port Without the GUI
I need access to my deployed virtual machine's serial console, not through a GUI window, but through ssh or telnet. I finally found how to define a serial console so that I can telnet in, which is...
View ArticleCreate OVF with flat vmdk
Hey, I'm trying to build a utility that builds an OVF, given a flat.vmdk and a .vmdk with the descriptor. But I've found that only streamOptimized disks will export properly, however they only take...
View Articlehow can virtualsystem match File
Hi, everyone! As we know, there are many File in the Reference section. In addtion, an envelope may contain several virtualsystems, each of them describes a virtual machine. But, how can we know which...
View ArticleOVFTool crashes on Linux x64 - basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid
Running into an issue with ovftool while moving VMs from Linux Workstation to ESXi 4.1 - When running the following command line with the attached vmx: build@machine:/opt/vm/lab/qa/w7ultrtm-001_ruby18$...
View ArticleIs there a way to specify static IP for a deploying OVA in the ovftool command?
Hi, I am trying to deploy OVA using ovftool. I see the option --network and --net available for selecting the network by name, though I was not able to find a way to assign a static IP in the ovftool...
View ArticleOVFTool cannot set property successfully
I want to set some properties to ovf files. I use ovftool as bellow: ovftool --prop:ip= --prop:dns= when this command has been executed without error showing, I still cannot...
View ArticleBug in GET requests for ovftool 2.1.0?
Hello All, Would like to submit the possibility of a bug in ovftool 2.1.0. Keeping things simple, we have a "fileserver" of ovfs/vmdks and our commands to ovftool started breaking after ugrading to...
View Articlehow to deploy ova/ovf into VMware Player?
hello. I create a ova file from my ESXi 5.0.0 with ovftool 2.1.0-467744, then I deploy this ova file into ESXi 5.0.0 is success and work well. But I can't deploy the same ova file into VMWare...
View ArticlevCenter 5 virtual appliance configuration
Hello.. Is it possible to give vCenter appliance ip, gateway, netmask etc via ovftool? Same way as to Orchestrator. --prop:vami.DNS.VMware_vCenter_Server_Appliance=
View ArticleOFV export trouble
hello, I am stuck. Any help is much appreciated.I am simply trying to export an OVF template from a vm (.vmx) in vCenter 4.1.0 using the OVF Tool. The vm is located...
View Articlegetting following error while calling OVF tool.
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool E:\vmdk2008\Windows2008\Windows2008P2V.vmx...
View ArticleError: Failed to open disk: Test.vmdk
Hello all, I am having a problem with the ovftool. Here's what i did. 1)I created a VM running CentOS. 2)These are the 3 files that i got. Test.vmx Test.vmdk (Descriptor File) # Disk...
View ArticleHow to include 2 EULA files in an ovf?
Using OVFtool 2.1 (seems the download for 3.0.1 is still broken!) to create an ovf, and I need to insert two EULAs. The command option is --eula@=[path][filename] which is working fine for me. But I...
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