Tried to install 64bit ovftool on VMware vMA 4.0 today and it failed to install or yield any useful information:
[vi-admin@scofield]$ ./ VMware OVF Tool installer script Copyright VMware 2009 .........extracting archive........ Checksum validation failed for archive. (If you use FTP, make sure to set it to binary mode)
As far as I can tell, the binary is actually included in the install script though I'm not sure why 'FTP' is being referenced here unless VMware is expecting to download the actual source? I would hope that since vMA is a VMware virtual appliance that it should support any "VMwae" utilities but from what I've seen in the past with VDDK and VIX, that is not always and generally is not the case.
Can anyone comment on or know how to get it to install?
Thanks for your time
William Lam
VMware vExpert 2009
VMware ESX/ESXi scripts and resources at:
Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)
Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl
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