I have an OVF file that refeneces a disk image from a webserver, e.g.:
<File ovf:href="http://myserver/cdrom.iso" ovf:id="file1"/>
When i try to deploy this OVF to a vSphere server, it fails at the disk transfer stage... it looks to me like ovftool is treating it like a local file:
$ ovftool my.ovf vi://root:@
Opening OVF source: my.ovf
Warning: No manifest file
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Disk Transfer Failed
Error: Failed to open file: cdrom.iso
Here is the output with logging enabled:
When an OVF is deployed from a local file, does it mean the references also need to be local? I had a quick read of the OVF spec and it seems like file reference can be anywhere... local, relative, http or https... any ideas?