Hi Everyone,
I was trying to deploy a VM using the ovftool, I thought I would use the properties which are thrown from a "probe" of the OVA file.
ovftool http://server/files/builds/vpas/6.0.0/latest/vPAS-installer.ova
ClassId: vami
Key: gateway
InstanceId vPAS
Category: Networking Properties
Label: Default Gateway
Type: string
Description: The default gateway address for this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is
ClassId: vami
Key: DNS
InstanceId vPAS
Category: Networking Properties
Label: DNS
Type: string
Description: The domain name servers for this VM (comma separated). Leave
blank if DHCP is desired.
ClassId: vami
Key: ip0
InstanceId vPAS
Category: Networking Properties
Label: Network 1 IP Address
Type: string
Description: The IP address for this interface. Leave blank if DHCP is
ClassId: vami
Key: netmask0
InstanceId vPAS
Category: Networking Properties
Label: Network 1 Netmask
Type: string
After having made sure that such properties exists from the probe, I tried to use them to give the VM a static IP post deployment, automatically.
ovftool --datastore="31_datastore" --acceptAllEulas --ipAllocationPolicy=fixedPolicy --name="vPAS_31_1" --powerOn --prop:ip0="" --prop:netmask0="" --prop:DNS="" --prop:gateway="" http://server/vpas/6.0.0/latest/vPAS-installer.ova vi://root:password@
Opening OVA source: http://server/files/builds/vpas/6.0.0/latest/vPAS-installer.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
Powering on VM: vPAS_31_1
- OVF property with key: 'DNS' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'gateway' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'ip0' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'netmask0' does not exists.
Completed successfully
Can someone please explain me whether this is a common problem ( from VMware ) or something I am doing wrong?