Hi all ...I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this question and I'm hoping someone could plase advise me as to how to do this.
I created a nested ESXi 5.5b VM.The VM is not connected to a vCenter as yet and it may or may not be connected based on whether or not I want to join it to a vCenter or not.
I then set the vAPP options to enable for the VM settings.
I then set various advanced properties for the VM.
I now have a Python script (I named it test2.py) which collects the properties from an OVA during it's deployment , the script then uses the info collected from the properties and applies them in commands at the cli.
I use this info to alter things like the Hostname, DNS, IP and other info inside the VM.
This all works successfully.
I would like to have the script start/run-once at boot time after the vAPP is deployed.
How do I do this ? and where to I place the script ? so that is does not get deleted or destroyed when the ova gets created and then deployed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards