This is driving me crazy! How do you specify which datastore to use when there are multiple?
I ran exactly the same command on a box that had one datastore and it worked fine (as expected). It created the VM folder in the root of the DS and then pulled across the VM from the OVF. However with multiple it just says no target datstore specified. I've tried a million combinations of ?-ds= with square brackets, without. Sometimes it says not found in inventory. I guess it's looking for a folder. But surely this can't be that hard?
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool P:\Downloads\PanoManagerVM-2.8.0
-ovf\panomanager.ovf "vi://root@
Opening OVF source: P:\Downloads\PanoManagerVM-2.8.0-ovf\panomanager.ovf
Warning: No manifest file
Please enter login information for target vi://
Username: root
Password: *********
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Error: No target datastore specified
Datastores found on target:
SAN Storage