Thanks in advance for any help that can be given with this, Have been looking at rolling out .ovf VM's as part of a automation project. What we are trying to do is roll out two servers to a specific datacentre, cluster, host and Resource pool.
Script below is what we are using, it works perfectly to roll out a VM but this will only be in the root of the Datacentre.
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool -tt=vi -st=ovf --lax -n=Test --datastore=VMWARE --network="VLAN" --powerOn "Full UNC path of .ovf" "vi://Domain%5cUSER:Password@vsphere/DATACENTRE/host/Development/FULL HOST NAME/"
But when I add in the switch for Resource and the required Resource pool as seen below:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool -tt=vi -st=ovf --lax -n=Test --datastore=VMWARE --network="VLAN" --powerOn "Full UNC path of .ovf" "vi://Domain%5cUSER:Password@vsphere/DATACENTRE/host/Development/FULL HOST NAME/Resources/Dev"
It give the following error:
Opening OVF source: Full UNC path of .ovf.ovf
Opening VI target: "vi://Domain%5cUSER:Password@vsphere/DATACENTRE/host/Development/FULL HOST NAME/Resources/Dev"
Error: No target host found in cluster that supports the chosen network/datastore/virtual hardware combination.
Possible completions:
using OVFtool 3.5 with VMWare 5.0
See attached image for layout of vCentre
any help would be much appreciated.