I'm trying to create an OVA file from an installed VM. If I try creating it with ovftool 3.5, it downloads everything completely then gives me the following error:
SHA1 digest of file does not match manifest
and then deletes the file(s) it generated.
I am using compress=0 and --noImageFiles so i don't get the install iso.
If I manually go into Edit Settings and remove the cdrom, then 3.5 creates the ova correctly.
If I use ovftool 2.0, it succeeds even without manually removing the cdrom iso.
I've seen posts where users get the same error I do when they are going ova/f to vm and the answer is to delete the manifest. Since all of the files are deleted after the error message, I don't have the option to delete the locally created manifest.
Is there a way to keep the files around even after a manifest error?
Does anyone know why ovftool 3.5 would fail in this case and 2.0 would word? Has there been some deprecation between the two of them?